Everything Fred – Part 386

9 August 2024

For once, I don’t have anything scheduled for today. I do know I’ve been sleeping a lot. Today was 10 hours and 20 minutes. The day before was 9 hours and 12 minutes and the day before that was 11 hours and 11 minutes. Even taking into consideration a muscle relaxant and a sleeping pill, these are excessive times for me and it tells me I need the sleep.

It also means I was in worse shape than I thought when they hospitalized me. Maybe that’s the reason they kept me for three nights and had so many specialists consult. Then again, it could because I have good insurance and they wanted to take advantage of that. I have a strong streak of cynicism running through me.

Next Tuesday is the port removal. I’ll take an Uber or Taxi to the hospital (I have to arrive by 7 am) and Tom has agreed to pick me up after the procedure. That’s if they don’t cancel again and not notify me.

Yesterday was extremely warm. We are only hitting low 90’s in the temperature but the “feels like” temperatures are in the 100’s. I know we older folk feel the temperature more so than kids and we are semi-used to hot weather in Florida but this seems extreme. November is too far away.

Success! I had a massive bowel movement this morning. That’s the first real one in 9 days. Prunes work! Thanks to Judith and Joel for their expert medical opinions. Holley suggested citrate of magnesia and I kind of curled up at the thought.

Mother used to check me and my brother for worms once a year. She would get little round containers and bottles of citrate of magnesia. Archie and I would have to down two of those bottles and wait until it worked. Then we would have to defecate into those little rounds. She would put the top on them and the doctor would do a smear on a microscope slide and check for worms or eggs. We never tested positive but that didn’t stop her. It was a rite of spring in our house.

Today is the day I usually rake leaves, clean the pool filter, clean the patio and pool deck and then poison weeds. I’ve finally come to my senses and realize that is not happening today. I’m still wearing my “armor” for my back and truthfully, my back is better this morning. I attribute it to the number of hours I’m sleeping. Therefore, I plan to be a slug today and stay in bed and snack all day. What’s so strange is that I haven’t gained any weight. Maybe my fruit diet is working.

Stay tuned!