Everything Fred – Part 401

24 August 2024

This will be short. Yesterday afternoon my diarrhea came back with a vengeance. In an hour’s time I must have had six very explosive episodes. I was concerned enough I called Chris and asked her to check on me later that night before she goes to bed. What I didn’t realize was my phone shuts off at 9 pm and I forgot to set the phone to allow certain people to reach me after 9. She walked over and rang the doorbell to make sure I was OK. I felt so badly about that. I’ve changed my phone notifications.

I intend to lie low and try to get over this. I’m pretty weak but I have plenty of Gatorade and apple sauce. I’ll order some bananas and I have bread and tea for the BRAT diet. My biggest problem now is I constantly am passing gas and belching. The belches don’t taste very good. If I drink anything, I can hear it as it winds its way through my stomach, my small intestines and my large intestine and out the end. Try getting some sleep hearing that all night.

Stay tuned!