Everything Fred – Part 399

22 August 2024

Ugh! Getting out of bed at 6:15 to do my morning walk was a real effort. I stayed up last night until midnight. It was movie night and I decided after that was finished to do some reading. In any case, I managed 1.19 miles – let’s call it 2. I confess to be dragging by the time I made it back to the house.

After my second breakfast, emptying the dishwasher, reloading the dishwasher and making the bed, I did 18 minutes of yoga stretches. My back is really bothering me. I wore the brace after my walk and took it off for yoga. The real pain comes when I lie flat on my back or when I roll over to either side.

Movie night was Tea with Mussolini, released in 1999 and directed by Franco Zeffirelli with an Allstar cast: Cher, Judi Dench, Joan Plowright, Maggie Smith, and Lily Tomlin. English and American expats are being held in Mussolini’s Italy. Maggie Smith play Lady Hester Random, the wife of the former ambassador to Italy. After the group is roughed up by Black Shirts, a group led by Lady Hester protest to Mussolini and are served tea. Mussolini promises them there is nothing to fear. Of course, there is. Cher plays a great role and I forget sometimes how great an actress Joan Plowright is.

On thing I caught that was interesting is the Scorpioni (The name for the group of expats) are listening to the radio about the bombing of Pearl Harbor and later the announcer states Italy has declared war of the U.S. and Britain because of Pearl Harbor. Actually, the U.S. declared war on Japan. Later, Germany and Italy declared war on the U.S.

The movie is well worth watching for the star power alone but it has a comedic/dramatic tale to relate. Tucker, Chris and I had a good time.

The weather forecast is for thunderstorms and rain. Looks like a “read a book” day for me. I’m waiting for the 27th of August so I can get back in the pool. The steristrips are still in place and haven’t decided to release yet. I may start tugging on them around the edges to urge them to fall off.

That’s all from Flamingo Park neighborhood in Fort Lauderdale. Stay tuned!