Everything Fred – Part 390

13 August 2024

If you are looking for reasons why I write a daily blog, look no further than my inability to remember who brought me home from the hospital on August 5. Holley reminded me to look back in my blog and I found the answer – Joel. I also post to give myself a history of my breast cancer.

Speaking of Holley, she and Jim showed up at my door around 7 pm and by 7:20 we were at Holy Cross’ Main Entrance. From the check-in on the first floor to the second check-inon the third probably took 10 minutes. They took me back immediately. Jim and Holley had to wait in the waiting room on third floor.

The receptionist was thrilled that the port was being removed because that meant no more chemo. The other nurses that day wanted to know how I was going to celebrate – in bed since I’d been up since 4 am.

Justin put in my IV line and Stephanie kept a close eye on him. Justin was new to the unit, not a new nurse. He knew his stuff. I asked about sedation and they told me that they always sedate when installing a port. I told them how painful that was. Stephanie suggested to Kat, the OR nurse, to give me the sedation early so it will take effect by the time they numb the area of the port with lidocaine. She did. It still hurt but less than I remember from the insertion of the port.

I was back in recovery and then out the door of the recovery room by 9:20. I wasn’t even scheduled to be sent in until 9. I like that they got to me early. Of course, Tom, who was going to take me home hadn’t even left home to come to the hospital.

When Tom arrived, all of us agreed to meet at Top Hat for breakfast. This was my, Jim and Holley’s second time there. I got the fruit bowl and side of toast. Again, they refused to let me treat them and she of the quick draw credit card beat everyone to the waitress. Have I mentioned I have great friends?

At breakfast, I got a little nauseated. It passed. When Jim and Holley dropped me at the house, I rushed to the bathroom and I proceeded to void violently from both ends. Luckily, I had a lined waste basket for the three massive barfs and I made it to the toilet in time for the other end. There went breakfast.

I called my cousin Jimmie to let her know I was OK and she suggested I do the BRAT diet (bananas, rice, apple sauce, and tea/toast).

I climbed into bed and stayed there until 3 pm. I didn’t sleep but I rested. I got up to take my temperature (normal) and to order some bananas and apple sauce from Whole Foods. I have the tea and rice. They will deliver it tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow is a follow up appointment with the endocrinologist at 2:30 pm. He’ll be late to the appointment and it’ll be 4:30 or 5 before I leave for home. I cannot complain since he spends anywhere for 45 minutes to an hour with me. He’ll have several blood tests to choose from since I’ve had several since his.

Stay tuned!