Everything Fred – Part 378

30 July 2024

Pay day! The Florida Retirement System deposited my check a day early and with a $122.46 increase (our 3% annual increase mandated by state law which, after taxes is really 2.5%). Let’s face it, Florida doesn’t pay teachers well. Our community college in Broward was paid less than K-12 teachers in the same county. The one thing Florida had going for it was the state retirement system and it’s nice to get an inflation raise every year.

I was a little lazy getting out of bed this morning – around 7 am. My morning walk was a shorter route than normal which I do occasionally to see what’s going on down a street I usually miss. In this case, I walked 1.16 miles. Along the way, I saw a very pretty shrub I used to have in my yard but eventually died out.

White Mussaenda, Tropical Dogwood (Mussaenda philippica)

You might be able to tell from the specific epithet that it is native to the Philippines. A red variety is known as Bangkok Rose. It’s a member of the coffee family (Rubiaceae). What’s unusual about this flower is the very large, showy sepals. Normally, you think petals are the showy part of a flower or bracts, not the sepals.

Last night’s dinner with Joel, Keith and Barbara was fun. We shared a huge chopped salad and ordered 20 wings (10 original with caramelized onions and 10 garlic Romano). We decided not to order a pizza after stuffing ourselves with salad and wings. It was a very cost effective meal at $12 per person before tip. It was good to catch up with everyone and Barb and I had to regale Joel and Keith with tales from our trips.

I managed my yoga stretches this morning. It took a great deal of thinking to remember the order I usually do and I could tell that it had been a while since I last did yoga. There was some real muscle burn. I count that as a good thing.

In for a penny…. I decided to try my hand at swimming laps. I managed to get through three sets of warmups when I realized I was getting some pretty sharp pains in my right thumb. Looks like I might be at another watershed moment and have to start doing water aerobics instead of laps. Both thumbs have arthritis and it’s strange the right one is the one giving me pain and not any pain in the left.

I could do without some of these watersheds. If I’m not careful, I’m gonna watershed out of existence.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 377

29 July 2024

Around 5 am my iPhone alerted me to low blood sugar from the continuous glucose monitor. It read 53 mg/dL and anything below 70 is considered low. I popped two Tootsie Roll minis and got out of bed and started my day.

After overnight oatmeal with peaches, blueberries, and strawberries and my first cup of coffee, I set out on my walk along Riverland Road – in the dark.

I met a few joggers and a few dog walkers to and from. The temperature was bearable but the humidity was 90%.

Next to a yard with a lot of Areca palms, tree frogs were going nuts. There must have been 30 of the little buggers singing their hearts out for a mate. I started to record them but the traffic along Riverland had picked up significantly and it would have been a wasted effort.

Sunrise was a nice affair, particularly along the canals.

Looks like dock space is at a premium. If that low pressure system develops eventually into a hurricane, this area will be loaded with boats trying to get shelter. Hopefully, that will not happen.

My glucose is stubbornly low. It’s now up to 58 and that’s after the overnight oatmeal, coffee with sugar, pony Gatorade, grapefruit, and coffee with sugar again. I’ll certainly need to keep an eye on it today.

On the glucose front, I finally found my old test kit with test strips and lancets. When I tested it this morning after breakfast, it was 149. Later after I got back from the doctor’s appointment, it was 94 with the test strip. There’s something wrong with the sensor so I called Abbott Labs and they will send me a replacement and I have to send them the bad sensor. I run into this problem frequently. This is the third sensor they’ve had to replace.

As far as the doctor’s appointment, he was an hour late in seeing me. He showed me the MRI and carefully explained what I was seeing. In essence, he said there was no need for surgery and he recommended a solid AFO brace. His office would be happy to have one form fitted to me for $800 or I could order one off the internet for $43 but it wouldn’t be form fitting. My insurance would not cover it unless I contested the wrong size boot I was given. I doubt I’ll do either. I’ll just rest it and let it heal on its own. This happened to me several years ago and it took months for it to heal even though I was hiking every day. This doctor said it would be 3-4 months if I didn’t stress it. I’ve got to figure out a new way to tuck in the sheets on the bed since sitting on my heels is now a no-no.

Tonight is dinner with Joel, Keith and Barbara at Antony’s Coal Fired Pizza. According to Barb, it’s National Wing Day and Anthony’s is known for their wings. We’ve had a couple of rain storms today and we will probably have a couple of more tonight. My yard could use the water.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 376

28 July 2024

Three in a row! I feel like I’m on a roll. This morning I was a little lazy getting out of bed and it was past 8 when I started my morning walk. I managed 1.5 miles. Along the way, I found out one of the neighbors was having to put their dog down today and another neighbor hates picking up trash in his yard (he has a corner lot at a busy intersection). I found 4 houses for sale on the stretch I walked which could be either bad or good. Morning walks are very informative.

For those of you who are tired of my plant photos, I thought I would show you some of the animals in the hood.

I had just finished a finger isle when this popped into my view.

Virginia O’possum (Didelphis virginiana)

The owners pulled up just as I was walking away and I turned around to make sure they saw him. I reminded the driver they did not carry rabies. Normally, I see these walking across the cable lines in my backyard at night. The O’p0ssum was the first animal I learned the tracks of in the field. I still don’t want to cuddle one – those needle like teeth!

Day before yesterday I was visited by a lone ibis. Normally, they run in small groups or as many as 15.

White Ibis (Eudocimus albus)

There are two species in Florida: white ibis and glossy (sometimes called a black ibis). The immature white ibis is not white but brown and grey. The ibis is the mascot of the University of Miami, probably because we have so many down here. I’ve seen the glossy ibis in the Everglades.

Once home today, I noticed something really unusual.

Green Anole (Anolis caroliniensis)

When I moved to Florida in 1985, these were a lot more common. They are native to the southeastern U.S. However, invasive species out competed the population of green anoles and they became difficult to find. I’m glad to see this one back, however, he/she needs to be careful.

The black spiny-tailed lizard is omnivorous and that little green anole would make a tasty snack.

After cleaning up breakfast and making the bed, I headed to the pool. The temperature is a balmy 89°F. Any warmer and it would be like a hot tub. It was very relaxing. I have an outdoor shower set up that I used and then headed inside for lunch.

This afternoon I plan to read a little and nap a little. Dinner will probably be left over pizza.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 375

27 July 2024

Another good day! Two days in a row where I feel great! I haven’t had that in a while. I managed 1.48 miles today and had short conversations with four neighbors on my walk. As I passed my favorite sidewalk, a tropical red sage called to me.

Tropical Red Sage (Salvia coccinea)

That’s one of the deepest reds I’ve seen in flowers. Red is difficult for humans to produce. Some of the rarest glass in the world is Venetian red glass. The Venetians seem to have found a secret. Red beach glass is the rarest of the rare and when you see someone selling red beach glass, it’s probably not from the see but some red glass that was polished to look like sea glass.

After my second breakfast, I cleaned the bathroom, changed bed linen and began to wash. It took me most of the day because my washer kept getting unbalanced. I guess it’s good that it shuts down and tries to rebalance the clothes but it does take a long time.

I finally took a towel out and let the spin finish. I then put the towel back in on its own. I got through about 4 pm.

After folding the clothes and putting them away, I jumped in the pool and listened to music from my iPhone connected to outdoor speakers. I’m sure my neighbors think I’m uncool with my play selection but they are the classics from the 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s. You can’t beat Skeeter Davis, George Jones, Tammy Wynette, Whitney Houston, Crosby Stills and Nash, etc.

Next was cookie time. I was hungry for some type of cookie and I found a recipe for ginger cookies. They turned out more like ginger cakes and not ginger snaps but boy are they good! I scarfed down 5 before they cooled off. I now weight 4 pounds more than yesterday.

I’ve continued to make overnight oatmeal. I add flax seed, chia seed, pipitas, and Italian farro. Then I doctor it with blueberries, peaches and strawberries. I have no idea of the caloric intake but the taste is worth it.

I think tomorrow is going to be a pool day, nap day, read a book day and all round goof off day. I’ll probably talk to my cousin Jimmie in the afternoon but otherwise, nothing on the agenda.

Monday I meet again with Dr. Mills about my ankle. He’ll interpret the MRI and let me know if surgery is needed. He’ll be upset I’m not wearing a boot but that think is a tripping hazard.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 374

26 July 2024

I feel great! The only way to describe it is exhilarating! I haven’t feel this good in 1 1/2 years. I have no idea why other than the trip did me more good than I thought – or the antidepressant is just now kicking in. Regardless of the answer, I’ll take it.

I managed 1.3 miles on the route this morning and could have gone further. Tomorrow’s walk is longer so I ‘ll find out if that is true.

On the way back, I passed an autograph tree (Claudia rosea). I’ve shown a picture of this plant before when it was in bloom but this one had fruit.

Clusia is native to the Caribbean and Florida and the Bahamas. It’s called autograph tree because if you “write” on the leaves, your writing will stay on the leaf until the leaf drops and decomposes. The leaves stay on for a very long time. It develops into a tree but some people train them into hedges.

When the fruit ripens (it’s poisonous!) the capsule opens and birds often eat the seeds and further distribute the plant. When the seeds germinate, it behaves similar to the strangler fig until it gets established.

As you can see, the capsule is very woody. This one has dried up but when it was open, you can image what it would look like – a sunburst.

I did have one unfortunate surprise this morning. There was a great deal of blood in my stool. I texted my oncologist and he wanted to know if it was black or red and I told him red. I asked if it was possible the ferrous sulfate he wanted me to take to bring up my iron levels was the cause. I haven’t had another response from him yet. This is a side effect of ferrous sulfate that you are to immediately contact a physician. I’ll find out more tomorrow.

I felt energetic and got to the Friday chores. The first thing was to rake leaves since it had been two weeks between ratings. I had a bumper crop.

I admit to having to rest several times and make Gatorade breaks but I got them into the yard waste bin eventually.

Next it was cleaning the pool filter, watering the plants, washing down the pool deck and patio. After all that, I was a sweaty mess and jumped into the pool to cool off. The water temperature was a balmy 86°F. I had a quick outdoor shower and an indoor shave and headed to Walgreens to pick up 4 prescriptions.

I gave Judith and Chris a call to see if I could drop off some chocolate from the trip and I got a yes. It was really good to visit with them. Judith is having significant eye trouble and Chris is hale and hearty and playing golf again. We, of course, talked medical conditions like our grandparents used to bore us with.

It’s good to be home. It’s good to visit with friends. It was even good to go to Walgreens where the staff recognize me and wave at me. Life is good.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 373

25 July 2024

I slept 9 hours and 50 minutes last night. Seems like I need a little R and R from my R and R.

It’s funny how quickly you get back into your routine. There were a few times this morning that I had to think “What’s next?” but I got coffee brewed and overnight oatmeal eaten. Normally, I would walk after that and have a second breakfast but I had a lot of chores to do this morning.

First up was to fold the clothes I failed to take out of the dryer last night. What are a few wrinkles between friends? I even ironed my bluejeans.

From clothes it was to picking up palm fronds in the back yard. That took a while. There were only two fronds – one very small and one very, very large (Royal Palm frond) and then tons of little pieces of fronds all over the yard. I decided to do that before the sun got too high in the sky. Tomorrow is yard waste day and garbage pickup so I needed to get that done.

After a second breakfast of half a grapefruit and a second cup of coffee (and the Thursday crossword puzzle which I solved!) I started unpacking the gifts I purchased for friends and started organizing that. There’s nothing expensive in the gifts – just enough to let them know I was thinking about them and thanking them for all their support this year.

From there it was the mail. Apparently Florida Power and Light is going to put our power lines in the Flamingo Park neigborhood underground. I had several questions and I called the person listed on the packet. I will incur no costs. It seems I’ve already paid for it with an additional few dollars to my electric bill over the years. I don’t even have to pay for the power line to my house. I questioned him about my pool, my palms along the pool and the fence. From what I gathered, it’ll be done from the front yard not the backyard and they will be tunneling, not digging trenches. I also asked about my generator and he told me that would be rewired without cost to me. Yea!

Then there was a new credit card (United Airlines Visa). I called the number on the letter and got disconnected. I called the number on the card and got disconnected. I went to the website and got shifted around and had to log in twice. It was finally activated.

I also received my ballot for the August 20th primary. I knew who I would vote for the larger offices but when it came to all the judges, I had to dig it out from the internet. I really take this seriously and review all their bios and with whom they do service. That took about two hours.

For dinner tonight, I wanted some beans. I chose green beans and used a recipe I found on YouTube. You empty three quarters of the liquid in the can and then put everything left in a pot and start to slowly cook them down after adding a pinch of sugar. You evaporate all the liquid and when you begin to hear the beans pop, they are done.

I caramelized some onions and then added that to the green beans. I’ve gotten addicted to caramelized anything and the two worked well together. My major professor, Dr. Pullen, hated green beans. He grew up in the depression era and green beans were a bountiful crop for his family and they had them every day. He refused to eat another after he left to go to college.

Tomorrow, I need to go pick up three different medications from Walgreens. Apparently, the automatic filling system works well with them while I was away.

It’s good to be home, back in a routine, and in my own bed.

Stay tuned!

My Getaway – Part 18

24 July 2024

After 3,330 miles, I’m back home. I unpacked the Jeep, unpacked the suitcase, washed clothes, and put away groceries that I ordered from Whole Foods this morning in Savannah. Let’s just say I’m tired and will have an early night.

Breakfast at the Inn on West Liberty was considerably better this morning with absolutely perfect scrambled eggs, bacon, and overnight French toast. Seems the overnight stuff is a big hit. Alfonso did well.

I asked to see Patty early this morning and when she came in I gave her dog treats for Sidney (he loves them) and pointed out that whoever tidied my room took a bag that contained my insulin needles. I wasn’t able to do an insulin injection this morning. I also told her that if she looked at the inside shower curtain in the upper left hand corner she would find some bird poop. Oh well, things considered, I really enjoyed my stay other than the room was freezing at night. It does not have individual a/c controls for the rooms.

I really enjoyed the trip but I am glad to be home and get back to some daily routine. I’m pretty much a creature of habit. These trips help me reset but I need structure in my life.

The trip down I-95 wasn’t as bad as usual. I got in the express lanes in West Palm Beach and cruised until the two lanes merged into one and traffic came to a dead standstill. After I got past that, I managed to get back in the express lanes in Boca Raton and made excellent time until I got off at Davie Blvd.

I think I might sleep late tomorrow.

Stay tuned!

My Getaway – Part 17

23 July 2024

Breakfast at 8:30 was nice but nothing to write home about. It was a Spanish omelet prepared in a ramekin with sausage and toast. The precursor was a fresh fruit bowl that was good and the orange juice flowed freely. Sidney pretty much ignored me for the new people.

Fickle dog!

After breakfast, I decided to jump on the hop on/hop off tour. There are several tour companies that run tour buses all throughout the day. I noticed the sign on mine said $50 for adults. When I charged it through the inn, it was $41, so a nice $9 savings through the inn.

The tour was kind of blah. You barely got to one place the bus driver was describing and you were off to the next. You couldn’t take photos because the bus wasn’t stopped long enough except at the scheduled stops (15 of them) and the stops were not interesting. I got off at stop 13 and walked around old town.

I noticed the Savannah Day Spa on York Street and went in. They were able to schedule me a 90 minutes deep tissue massage at 2 pm.

Afterwards, I walked to the Gallery Espresso (established 1993). They show art work from local artists. I got an iced coffee for the first time this summer. It may become a regular feature for me. There was an older gentleman (younger than me) who was entertaining a young couple with his stories. Just as they were about to leave, he started up again. The young couple could not get away. Shoot me if I become a nonstop story teller.

From there I headed to Chocolat by Adam Turoni. Just walking into the store overwhelmed me with the aroma of chocolate. They make everythi ng on the premises and I confess to spending a wee bit of money in the store. Well, maybe more than a wee bit. They even pack your chocolate up and put ice packs in with them to last you two hours in case you are day shopping.

I got the chocolate back to the inn and relaxed a little until the 2 pm massage. The therapist was Lisa and she was really good. She was able to find way too many knots in my shoulders and back – I guess from driving. She was chatty and we covered most topics, including religion. She really did have magic hands and I left a decent tip.

I did a little more shopping and then stopped in at an ice cream place (it was 86°F) and had a large cup of three different scoops of coconut mango, limon, and blood orange. Delicious and a great way to cool off. The shop had an unusual name – Doki Doki Ice Creamery. I have no idea what it means.

I then headed next door to get some dog treats. I think I know how to make Sidney to pay attention to me. I love the name, Woof Gang Bakery. Let’s see the newbies at breakfast tomorrow to compete with that!

From there I headed to Six Pence Pub to have an early dinner.

Six Pence Pub

I decided to have half a sandwich and a bowl of soup. I ordered a roast beef on pumpernickel and French onion. The soup was just OK but the roast beef was great. Since it was a British type pub, I ordered a half and half to drink. I know some people hate the stuff but I actually like it and order it every time I get a chance.

From there it was a short walk to the inn, a shower, and writing the blog. It’s been a great, albeit hot day in Savannah. I asked for another 8:30 seating for breakfast and I’ll probably be up and packing the Jeep for home tomorrow before breakfast. I’ve toyed with the idea of stopping one more night between Savannah and home just to not have such a long drive (6 1/2 hours) but I think I’ll just drive through unless I get super tired.

This has been a great trip. Probably my favorite place to stay has been Four Oaks in Camden, SC and the second favorite is the Inn on West Liberty. You learn a lot on trips like this. I’ve learned to take two coolers. The GPS almost always adds one hour to any trip and you actually either make it exactly on time or a little early. Summer is not a great time for road trips. I intend to line up spring and fall trips for now on. Even winter is better. Some of the hosts of these inns are a little, shall we say, exotic. I never could understand Bobbie’s directions at the Lodge at River Run at Banner Elk.

Highlights for me was to spend a little time with Terry in Boone, Michael in Fredericksburg and, of course, Jimmie and Stephen in Greensboro. Life is good.

Stay tuned!

My Getaway – Part 16

22 July 2024

You really do need to try the overnight oatmeal. It seems to get better every time we make it. With the threat of rain, Jimmie and I braved the wilds of Tallwood and made 1.2 miles with just a light mist. We weren’t nearly as out of breath this time. Progress!

Proof of survival after the walk.

Jimmie made me a half a pimento cheese sandwich and loaded me up with plums, apples, carrots, and cokes. On the way down to Savannah, I managed to eat everything except the apples and only had one coke (to keep me awake).

I pulled into Savannah just a little before four and met Patty and Sidney. Sidney is the vicious guard dog that announces everyone. She’s very diligent about her job. The front of the building is quite attractive.

The front may be attractive but the interior is beautiful. It rivals any of the inns I’ve stayed in this trip.

Common area/living room
Breakfast room

We will be eating in two shifts: 8:30 and 9:30. I chose the 8:30 shift. When I checked in I was given the ticket for the tour which departs about a block from the inn. Patty indicated it was an excellent way to see the city and she encouraged me to do the complete tour.

They have an elevator! Patty took my luggage up in it and showed me my room, the Wright.

Note the headboard. It’s two large doors and ornately carved.

I even have a private balcony!

The view from the balcony isn’t bad either.

There’s wine and cheese at 5 pm and I’ll probably make that. We are in the middle of a terrific thunderstorm (lights blinking on and off) and it’s pouring down rain so my exploration will have to wait.

Just a word about staying with Jimmie and Stephen. They are excellent hosts! Of course, Jimmie and I grew up together but Stephen goes out of his way to make sure I’m comfortable. Stephen learned early that you marry a family and he’s shown remarkable tolerance to the Agnew side of the family. I think he even likes me.

Just to get an idea, I mentioned casually I liked fruit for breakfast and voilá, fruit for days when I got there. She knows I use a shower mat and she bought one for me while at their house. They think of my every need. I only hope that I host as well.

Stay tuned!

My Getaway – Part 15

21 July 2024

Overnight Oatmeal rules! It seems to get better and better each time we make it. We are still topping with strawberries, blueberries and sliced peaches. Yum!

Jimmie and I managed a 1.6 mile walk this morning. The temperature was OK but the humidity was 90%. We were both huffing and puffing when we got back to the house. Out water bottles were almost drained.

We were scheduled to go to Chapel Hill to see Jimmie and Stephen’s son Louis, his wife Rachel and their two daughters around 1:50. That meant a very leisurely morning and a very leisurely lunch. For Jimmie and me, it was watermelon, blueberries and strawberries. I’m trying to take care of most of their fruit larder. Stephen had cottage cheese and watermelon. The melon has really been delicious.

We headed over to Chapel Hill and I finally got to meet Rachel and the two daughters for the first time ever. The last time I saw Louis was when he was a teenager at Jean and Rogers and he, Kirk and Kevin were rushing upstairs to play some game (and to get away from the adults). Louis gave me a big hug and welcomed me in to his home. The older daughter was a little shy when I walked in but the younger daughter took to me immediately.

I must be special because I was the only adult that received a gift from them. It was a very special gift that only select people are offered.

If you can’t figure it out, it’s an eraser. Not just any eraser, but a green one – my favorite color. You’ll also notice that it looks like the tip of a Crayola Crayon. You see, erasers are very important when you are in school or beginning Kindergarten. I immediately recognized the importance and significance of this gift. I’m sure the other adults were jealous.

About this time the older daughter started to warm up to me after a shy beginning. These kids are adorable, smart, and as different as two sisters can be. For their age, their vocabulary is considerable as well as their comprehension. Louis and Rachel are doing a great job with these two.

I spent a lot of time with the younger one on the front door step doing experiments with chalk and water and brushes and making different colored patterns on the concrete. She quickly understood that red and blue make purple, her favorite color. She’ll be a scientist one day!

As we were getting ready to leave, I got two wonderful hugs from them and an open invitation to come back. Nailed it! Next time I see them I may hold out for two erasers.

On the way back we stopped at a Key Westy type of restaurant for dinner. It was pretty good food and when it came time for desert, we were asked about the Key Lime pie. Jimmie refuses to eat it anywhere but south Florida. I did check and their pie was not green at least.

Of course, in the middle of our visit we got word about President Biden not running again and his endorsement of Vice President Harris. It’s gonna be a long 4 months.

Tomorrow I head for Savannah after our morning walk and breakfast. My GPS in the Jeep says it’s almost 7 hours. Hopefully it won’t take that long. I filled up with diesel before I got to Greensboro so I should be good with one tank.

Stay tuned!