Everything Fred – Part 418

10 September 2024

I did yoga stretches today but did not swim. The lightning had something to do with that. I still can’t lie on the floor on my back or stomach without intense pain but if I lie there long enough, it begins to ease. I may end up having to do physical therapy again.

The afternoon, at the moment, is fair but we are predicted to have some severe thunderstorms late this afternoon. The ground is pretty saturated so we don’t need the rain. At least I don’t have to add water to the pool.

I get up every morning and see dirty windows as I look out. I finally decided I couldn’t take it any more so I looked online for window washers. One came highly recommended with hundreds of completed jobs. His name is Juan and he said he could come out and give me an estimate today and if I agreed, he could clean the windows today.

Juan showed up promptly at 11 am and walked through the house and around the outside and gave me a quote of $280 for the job. I thought it was higher than it should be but when I thought about what he agreed to do (screens, tracks, and inside and out windows, I agreed to the price. He’s a hard worker and hasn’t stopped since he started. I do know that if I were physically able to do them (I’m not) that it would take me two or three days as it usually does.

You can see he does a good job. The windows are crystal clear. I told him I’d probably call him back for Thanksgiving and Christmas since I will have guests. I hate dirty windows.

I guess I’m of the age that I need to stop doing most of the work around the house and hire it out done. I may be looking into a cleaning service since I’m getting more lax. I’ve put this off because I don’t think a service will clean like I would clean but at this age, who cares?

I still do the pool but I may be permanently handing that off to Denyse. Right now I can still lift the wet pool filter in and out of the cartridge but I can see the day that isn’t gonna happen any more.

It seems I’m a little maudlin today so it must mean it’s time to plan another trip.

Stay tuned!