Everything Fred – Part 426

18 September 2024

What a difference a day makes! I felt well enough to do yoga stretches and 300 strokes in the pool. I still can’t manage any more in the pool but that will come with more time in the pool. My pool days are often dictated by whether it is raining or not when I’m ready for the pool. If I don’t exercise in the morning, I just don’t exercise.

I would get more excited about this but this has happened before. I feel better, then I feel worse. Hopefully I’m on a streak of feeling better.

I still haven’t heard from Sears Home Repair about my cracked oven glass. When you phone Sears, you only get pre-recorded messages. I was trying to cancel but now I’ll just see how long this plays out.

Several years ago, Tom and Kurt gave me a strawberry pot when they moved from Davie to Wilton Manors. I could tell the pot meant a lot to Kurt. For a year or two I tried growing strawberries, unsuccessfully. Then I hit upon an idea. We have several species of purslanes in Florida. The genus Portulaca is fairly common and it was the genus my major professor used for his dissertation.

Kurt’s strawberry pot

In botany, normally to get a PhD in taxonomy, you pick a genus and do an intensive field study and study of the nations’ herbaria, taking exacting measurements, and then writing your dissertation. These days, it’s more DNA analysis of the genus.

Anyway, I’ve always been partial to the genus and it can make a nice ground cover because it is sun tolerant and lack of water tolerant. It can also cascade in its growth form. I decided this was worth a try in the strawberry pot.

As you can see, it cascades nicely down the side. It’s native to South America and can be considered by some to be a weed.
Pink Purslane, Kiss Me Quick (Portulaca pilosa)
The fleshy leaves and stems store water for dry periods.

I’ve mentioned this plant before. It produces little cone greenish shaped capsules you can see at the upper left. They look like pixie hats. The capsule “cap” comes off and the seeds are dispersed. The capsule splits along the radius and is said to be circumscissile.

Tonight is movie night! I feel up to it and look forward to see Tucker and Chris.

It’s time for our afternoon rains. Stay tuned!