Everything Fred – Part 425

17 September 2024

It’s a gray, rainy day in South Florida. It would remind me of fall in Mississippi except the temperature is 82°F.

At least I won’t have to add water to the pool any time soon. I don’t think I’ve added any water since May this year. The rest of the week reports high rain chances.

Whether or not it was the Duloxetine or it simply just going away, I don’t have the pressure flashes in my ears when I move my eyes right or left. It just went away in one night. I wouldn’t think Duloxetine would have that quick of an effect, but whatever, I’ll celebrate the missing pressure flashes.

I started on the Grand Canyon paint by numbers canvas last night and quickly came to the conclusion I probably don’t have the patience to do this. I still my force myself to finish it but as I get older, the more I subscribe to the idea that if I don’t want to do something, then I don’t do it.

Compared to yesterday, I feel much better. I suspect it was the combo flu/Covid shots that got me feeling so off. I’m not great but I’m also not dragging. I suspect I had a touch of fever yesterday afternoon which broke last night. I’m still not up for yoga stretches today nor pool but hopefully I will be able to tomorrow.

Other than going with Tom to meet with his neurosurgeon on Friday, I don’t have anything on my calendar until I travel to Smithgall Woods State Park near Helen, Georgia to meet with Jimmie and Stephen. Where did I get all this free time? Where are all the doctors’ appointments?

Stay tuned!