Everything Fred – Part 420

12 September 2024

I still got up congested and fatigued. I decided to take a Covid test this morning and it came back negative. What the test will not tell me is whether or not I have long Covid. I looked at the CDC site for long Covid and they listed a myriad of symptoms. I find I fit six of them: fatigue, coughing, pins and needles, depression, diarrhea, constipation. Even if I have it, there’s not much that can be done for it. Symptoms may last 3 months, 6 months, or years.

Another strange thing is the last few nights I have dreams where I either am angry in the dream or angry when I wake up. Normally, I have three or four dreams per night. I always think I will remember them but I don’t. I should jot the gist down in a notebook by my bed so I do remember them.

In any case, in every dream I am angry. It’s not that I don’t feel I have justification for the anger. My childhood where I was reared, sometimes, by alcoholic parents, my anger at the administration when I was union president, and breast cancer and chemotherapy. None of my dreams have been about those issues. It’s always something else.

Anyhoo, when I Google it, the websites that come up are a little iffy. They do suggest that it is due to anxiety or stress about past issues, current issues or potentially future issues, so maybe my justifications seem prophetic.

I was supposed to go to lunch with Joel and John today at Hatch. The menu looks good and I hope John and Joel give me an unbiased revue of the food.

It’s rained every day for almost a week and the next three days rainfall chances are 80%, 80% and 90%. I expect coffins to begin to float to the surface soon. It’ll be a good time to see old friends.

Stay tuned!