Everything Fred – Part 421

13 September 2024

It’s a good day! I feel much better today. I didn’t have any dreams where I was angry. I got some chores done today. I didn’t have to rake leaves! I did clean the pool filter and weed kill but I didn’t have to wash down the pool deck (thanks to the rain) nor the patio (thanks to the window washer). I call it a good start to the day.

Last night I watched Dune – Part Two. Actually, I watched most of it. I missed the first few minutes but I remedied that this morning after chores. I read Frank Herbert’s novel many years ago and saw the original movie in 1984. I also saw Dune – Part 1 four years ago (who takes four years to make part 2?). I had a very hard time following the second part of the movie. It seemed to jump around a lot and showed scenes that didn’t make sense and showed the characters being stupid – like standing around while the enemy was looking for them. I’ll probably watch the second Dune again this week to see if it makes more sense the second time. I doubt it.

Have you ever thought that if you were to come back in another life you would be so much smarter? As I get older, I realize that I’m getting much smarter. The second version of me would not believe my brother and stick my finger in a Christmas tree light socket. I also would not believe him when he said to rub soap on the tip of your penis. I learned at an early age that irons are hot and can burn you. Two years ago, I learned how to properly wipe my bum and not leave skid marks on my underwear. This year I’ve learned that when taking a shower, wash your head and neck first, then rinse that off and then finish washing. I learned that’s the best way from getting soap in your eyes. I’ve learned so much from female writers of mens’ sex scenes that I never knew before. I could very well be a stud in a future life. When I think on it, if I come back in another time, I’ll be a friggin’ genius! Maybe that’s why some cultures believe in reincarnation.

I got some strange news from Medicare with an explanation of benefits. It said I may be billed $1666.08. Here’s what it said. “Your deductible is what you must pay each benefit period for most health service before Medicare begins to pay. Part A Deductibe: You have now met your $1632.00 deductible for inpatient hospital service for the benefit period that began August o2, 2024. Part B Deductible: You have now met your $240.00 deductible for 2024.”

I hope my supplemental will pay for the $1632 or the $1666.08 – they show two different amounts. The amount Medicare did pay was $5546.49. Does anyone ever figure out Medicare – even the people who work for Medicare?

I need to do some simple cleaning. My computer desk is a mess and so is the kitchen table. It’s not hard, I just get lazy about that. If the sun keeps shinning, I may take a dip in the pool.

Stay tuned! Genius in training.