Everything Fred – Part 340

3 June 2024

It was really nice this morning on my walk along Riverland Road. The temp was 75°F and the humidity wasn’t terrible. I managed 1.4 miles. I seem to be stuck on that mileage.

Along the way, I photographed another bromeliad. It’s the genus Aechmea. I have no idea as to species. There are numerous species in mostly tropical and subtropical areas around the globe.

This is a pretty large plant with lots of space to hatch mosquitoes.

On my way to Riverland and on my way back, I noticed a real nice fragrance in the air. Of course I searched for it and found blooms on the Ackee tree (Blighia sapida) named after Captain Bligh of Mutiny on the Bounty fame. I know I’ve shown you the fruit.

Ackee (Blighia sapida)

The flowers are tiny and very fragrant and really perfumed the morning air.

Ackee (Blighia sapida)
Ackee (Blighia sapida)

The fruit, when ripe is edible but when not ripe is poisonous. I don’t think I’ll tempt fate when the flowers produce fruit. As you might guess, most of the flowers drop off and only a few in this cluster will produce the fruit.

Most of the rest of the morning was waiting for time to go see Dr. Wu, the neurologist. This was simply a 6 month check up he requested and he asked a few questions, I told him about my fall, and he said come back on an “as needed” basis which is fine with me.

Yesterday evening I got a craving for chocolate cake. The recipe I wanted was for a chocolate bundt cake but I didn’t have two ingredients: sour cream and semi-sweet chocolate morsels. After leaving the doctor’s office, I headed to Publix and picked up the missing items. I just finished with the cake about 30 minutes ago.

I have no idea where this craving came from. As you can see from the photo, I already had a plate out to taste test it. It meets with seal of approval. It’s perfectly moist. I added a little espresso powder to the chocolate mix to bring out the chocolate flavor.

Tonight, Barbara, Joel, Keith and I are headed to Jalisco’s for Mexican food. Barb was great with bringing me food from there after recovering from my operations. I remember the food as being a cut above most Mexican restaurants in the area.

I have an appointment with Dr. Velez around 10 tomorrow and then go right next door to get a Herceptin infusion.

Sears has rescheduled the installation of the glass oven door for tomorrow even though the door is not here. I rescheduled it for Thursday but unless it comes Wednesday, I’ll reschedule again. Seems like they could figure this out but maybe that’s why Sear’s went out of business.

Stay tuned!