Everything Fred – Part 348

12 June 2024

And the rains came. We had around 3 inches yesterday and they are predicting anywhere from 8-10 inches by the end of the week. So far, I’ve had no flooding. I turned my lawn sprinklers off for the duration of the rainy season.

I’m back to my getting out of bed by 6:30 and doing a morning walk. I managed 1.2 miles today. The temperature was 77°F but the humidity was 94%. I was damp and not by rain by the time I got back to the house.

You’ve read about my favorite yard on my walks. It’s like a miniature botanical garden. Here’s what the sidewalk looks like as you head north.

It’s like a tunnel of plant growth. You almost feel like you are in a tropical rain forest.

3:51 pm
All the streets are flooded in the neighborhood except my street. I can still see the top of the street. My trip back from the endocrinologist was exciting with people driving like insane people during flooded streets.

I had a long talk with my endocrinologist. My scheduled time in was 1:30 and he walked in around 1:40. I walked out at 10 till 3. He reviewed my echocardiograms and he suggested I discuss with the oncologist if the effects of Herceptin on the heart are permanent or if they are reversible and to what degree. He also suggested the oncologist contact my cardiologist and discuss the situation with him.

He put me back on Jardiance (10 mg 1x) which is for my A1c3 but also because it has proven to be effective in reducing heart failure. He just got back from a conference that Jardiance was the topic of discussion. That means I will be monitoring my urination (will increase) and my sugar levels in the urine by the ketone strips. Believe it or not, it’s kinda tough to pee on a tiny strip like that. One time before I did it the stream of urine knocked the strip out of my hand and into the toilet.

I have to watch out for dehydration. I have to look out for shortness of breath. I’m on another drug. Life is good.

The good news is my cholesterol is down as well as my LDL. He was pleased with that. He’s also doing a blood test that will determine if I have heart failure. Apparently, the atrium produces a hormone that is easily detected when stressed. He’s also asked me to get a bone density test. I’ve been on statin drugs for over 30 years and statin drugs can severely reduce bone density. He thought my chipped fibula could be due to that. I’ve got a prescription for that so I’ll go to Holy Cross for a blood draw some day soon.

Stay tuned.