Everything Fred – Part 360

24 June 2024

Yesterday morning was a leisurely morning. I nursed two cups of coffee and the LA Times Crossword for Sunday. I almost got it finished and lacked only a couple of answers.

Around 12:30 I headed to brunch with Tom and Kurt. We met at Apt9f in Wilton Manors. As I was walking to the restaurant, I saw Tom who was moving his vehicle a little closer to the curb. He told me Kurt was sitting inside on a couch.

This place was very busy! There were numerous staff running in and out of the restaurant carrying food to those inside and on the sidewalk tables. Kurt and I had an excellent view of all the goings on by sitting on the couch.

The bar at Apt9f.

Every so often a woman would pass by and I kept looking at her thinking I knew her. Tom had told me his friend Carol, who owned the restaurant, had made sure he got reservations for today. The more I looked, the more I realized it was the same Carol that was executive director of the Gay and Lesbian Community Center (GLCC) when I was at Stonewall Library (in the same building) years ago. Carol was a go getter and was probably the best executive director they’ve had. She left the GLCC, started a bar in Wilton Manors, sold it, moved to New York, and now is back in town with Apt9f.

I caught her attention and she came over and I re-introduced myself to her and how I knew her. She then told the tale of when she moved back down here some people new to Wilton Manors told her she should think about getting involved with the GLCC. We both laughed.

The food and service (even though the place was chaotic) was excellent. I had prosciutto Benedict which came with a really tasty side salad. The hollandaise was perfect and despite the number of people, the eggs were warm and cooked to perfection.

I brought Tom and Kurt four slices of triple chocolate bundt cake from home they had sampled at Holley and Jim’s. I told them I would save them some because they were leaving the next day on a cruise. I think they were surprised I had frozen the slices for them. I also included four blueberry sour cream muffins.

Tom and Kurt generously paid for my meal again. It must have been the triple chocolate bundt cake.

This morning was my bone density scan. It took all of 8 minutes. I asked Karen, the technician, what the system was. I didn’t think x-ray because she stayed isn the room with me. It is an x-ray but the dosage is so slight, all she has to do is move a portable lead shield in front of her. I should get the results early this week. Karen was great.

After the bone density scan, I stopped at a nearby Publix and stocked up on, of all things, candy. You’d think it was Halloween. I purchased four bags of Tootsie Roll minis, a bag of Snickers minis and a family pack of M&M’s. Oh yeah, bananas, grapes, and milk. Actually, I’ll take a couple of bags of Tootsie Rolls in tomorrow for my oncologist visit and leave them with the nurses. That may be the last time I see them since my infusions may be over.

After storing the groceries, it was time for physical therapy with Shannon. As I circled the block and came into the lot to park, I noticed a police car had arrived and an officer was talking to a man at the entrance of the building. Eventually, both left and I got out and went in.

Apparently, the physical therapists and secretaries often have homeless people come up to the building and create a nuisance. In this case, the guy was wearing hospital scrubs without any back in them and he kept flashing them his naked butt. They call the police, they come, chase off the homeless guys and then it’s rinse and repeat. I asked about Holy Cross stationing a guard there and it’s the consensus that they’d only do that after some really severe incident occurred.

That happened years ago at Broward College South Campus. The book store, albeit small, got a lot of action and a lot of the purchases back then were in cash. Faculty kept telling the administration that they needed a guard at the place, that someone was going to get killed during a robbery.

Sure enough, the manager of the book store was opening early one morning when one of his employees and a friend pushed him inside and made him open the safe. Once open, they took the money and then realized the manager could identify the employee. He was killed by the employee for not very much money since the money was usually deposited at the end of the day.

Sadly, a lot of deadly things have to occur before anyone takes action.

On a more positive note, Jim and Holley are picking me up around 5:30 for dinner at the Secret Garden. It was definitely threatening rain and I figure we may have to sit inside but at the moment, the skies are rain free so we may get to sit outside along the intracoastal.

Stay tuned!