Everything Fred – Part 345

9 June 2024

As most of you have deduced, I’ve not been myself the last few days. Partly, I just don’t feel well. Then there’s the depression – apparently a gene from my Mother’s side of the family. It seems it’s the least little thing that kicks off my depression.

I had no sooner written and posted the blog about my cardiologist visit and how I texted my oncologist, that the oncologist texted me back.

Here’s the text I sent my oncologist.

“This is Fred Searcy. I met with Dr. Tepper, my cardiologist this morning. He already had access to everything. His recommendation is to stop the Herceptin treatment for good. His opinion is, even if my left ventricular ejection fraction does go up with the next echocardiogram/MUGA scan, it will simply go down with the next Herceptin treatment. He suggested you might have an alternative to Herceptin. If you would like to discuss this, he said give him a call at ‭***-***-****. He has restarted me on 50mg of Losartin to ease the stress on my heart and plans to add another drug after a few weeks of the Losartin.”

Here’s the reply from my oncologist.

“All sounds good to me”

My response.

“What’s next? A new medication?”

His response.

“Nothing else”

He could have been really busy when he texted me or not remembered my problem but his responses pretty much floored me. I don’t know where I stand. Do I go in for an echocardiogram like he wanted scheduled? I assume no more Herceptin treatments (4 left) but his response made me think I don’t have any other options. Trust me, I’m not complaining about the Herceptin treatments stopping. Has he dumped me as a patient? I have so many questions.

In any case, I’ll approach the Nurse Navigator and ask her to ask around as to what I should do.

Why this caused me to get depressed, I have no idea. I spent most of yesterday in bed and as you probably noticed, did not post a blog.

I forced myself out of bed this morning for my shortest morning walk and even cut that a little short for 0.9 miles. I still don’t feel well and I’m still a little depressed but I think the walk did me good. I just don’t have any energy and really have no interest in doing anything. I’m sure this will pass and I’ll be back to my usual self before too long.

On the walk this morning I passed by a vine that had a wonderful aroma.

Mogra (Jasminum sambac

This is a jasmine species of tropical Asia. That’s what so interesting about Florida – you can find plants from all over the world here. The aroma was very much jasmine-like. It’s still one of my favorite aromas.

Stay tuned!