Everything Fred – Part 363

27 June 2024

June seems to have flown by. For some reason, the state of Florida deposited my retirement check a day early. No complaints.

My day started at 6:30 am when I managed a 1.1 mile walk in the neighborhood. The temp wasn’t too bad and it was a gorgeous morning. After getting back to the house, I had my Cheerios and coffee.

I really debated whether to do yoga and do laps in the pool. I then thought about Shannon giving me a workout at physical therapy and I decided no. I was glad I didn’t. She put me through my paces and I was really tired. You have to show progress or insurance will not pay for sessions so she did some testing on me and came to the conclusion I was progressing. I’ll wait 3 months and then make a decision as to whether to do more physical therapy.

Just before leaving from my last physical therapy session, I called Shannon aside and told her to tell everyone not to bring lunch tomorrow. I provided lunch for the Cancer Center and for the Infusion Center and I would have felt guilty not to do something for Andrea, Carlos, Vanessa, and Shannon. They really take good care of you.

From there, I headed to Winn-Dixie to pick up some cream cheese, cucumbers and fresh dill. Catherine is having a Fourth of July party and I need to bring an appetizer. I thought cucumber sandwiches would be appropriate. I couldn’t find the cucumbers and when I asked an employee about them she said no. I later found them.

I then went over to Walgreens to pick up yet another prescription. After pulling out from their drive through, I realized Winn-Dixie didn’t have the dill but Whole Foods probably would. I headed over there, got the dill and some white bread. Those cucumber sandwiches really taste better on white bread.

On one of my shopping trips, I purchased three large turnips. I knew I needed to do something with them and I wanted something besides boiling them. I found a recipe on the web where you make kind of a dressing from olive oil, Dijon mustard, fresh lemon juice, thyme and rosemary and salt. You toss cubed turnip in that and spread them on a baking sheet and roast for 20 minutes at 400°F, turn them and roast for an additional 10 minutes. I hope it turns out well.

Tomorrow afternoon is a blood draw for Dr. Tepper. I’ve scheduled it at Hollywood Memorial because I know the place and it makes life easier to have the blood draw from the same hospital to which he is affiliated.

I also scheduled the removal of the port today. It’s scheduled for August 5th. Hopefully the removal will not be as painful as the insertion. I have to go in fasting for some reason.

Stay tuned!