Everything Fred – Part 429

21 September 2024

I managed to change linen and wash clothes but that was pretty much all that got done today. Just not enough umf. I got plenty of sleep so that was no excuse. I got about half of the L.A. Times crossword done before I had to start looking up answers.

About the only other thing I did was get in the pool with music on the outdoor speakers and dog paddling around. The water temp was a little chilly when I first got in but I acclimated to it pretty quickly. It’s a real nice pool but I can tell the fiberglass coat is beginning to wear thin. I’ve been told it is very expensive to remove the fiberglass and replace it with Diamond Brite. It’s not critical yet but another year or two it may be.

Otherwise, I spent the day reading online newspapers and reading on my Kindle. I’ve read so much that I’m losing focus in my right eye. I try to take breaks to get the accommodation back but it takes a while for it to reprocess and refocus. Cataract surgery is getting closer.

Tomorrow, I hope to go to a Greek restaurant with Holley, Jim, Tom and Kurt. It’s called Greek Islands Taverna and I’ve eaten there several times over the years and it is excellent. I’m partial to their lamb chops.

I’m not a big fan of lamb but I do like lamb chops. The only type of meat I had like this as a kid was mutton. Where Mother got mutton, I have no idea. Lamb and mutton are not big sellers in the south. Mutton turned me off ovine animals until I accidentally tried lamb chops.

Several years ago, a friend wanted to cook a leg of lamb. I thought “I like lamb” so I went over and found out pretty quickly I didn’t like leg of lamb. Funny about taste buds.

There are very few things that I will not try. I absolutely abhor crème de minthe for example. That’s the only ingredient in cocktails that I can’t get down. Mutton and leg or lamb are not high on my list of foods but otherwise, I can pretty well handle anything.

I’ve had bison, squirrel, wild game Mulligan stew, deer, elk, rattlesnake, and quail. I confess to never eating O’possum nor raccoon. I love conch chowder and pretty much anything Creole/Cajun cooking. I’ve had haute cuisine and crawfish at boils. It’s all good. If I had to choose between highfalutin foods or simple and easy, I would probably choose the simple and easy. It’s hard to beat good home cooking although I don’t do a lot of that any more.

I used to have people over to the house for dinner. I enjoyed doing that even though it was a lot of work. I would try out new recipes and invite people over spontaneously. They would bring the wine and I would provide the food. I haven’t done much of that since my breast cancer. Hopefully, I’ll get motivated to do that again. It’s fun to have friends over.

Otherwise, not much news. Stay tuned!