Everything Fred – Part 349

13 June 2024

Yesterday’s rain was significant. Last year when I flooded, we received 22 inches of rain in 24 hours. Yesterday and the day before we received 22 inches in 48 hours. Fortunately, my area drained pretty quickly. The papers said Fort Lauderdale got 8 inches in a very short period of time. More is expected today. Monday of next week is the only day we are not predicted to have rain.

There was a time yesterday where there was a very heavy downpour and then it stopped all of a sudden. That harkened me back to those days in Mississippi where you thought tornado when that occurred. There were some tornados that touched down north of Palm Beach County.

This morning I met Chris and Tucker on our walk. We didn’t do movie night last night. Chris and Tucker would had to arrive by boat. She sent me a photo of Tucker after the afternoon walk in the rain and he looked like a drowned rat.

Just before I met Chris on the walk, I noticed my neighbor’s wax apple in bloom.

Wax Apple (Syzgium samarangense)

This is in the myrtle family of plants and is native to the Malay Peninsula. Technically, the fruit is edible.

Wax Apple (Syzgium samarangense)

The liquid to flesh ratio is similar to watermelon. Wikipedia suggests it tastes like a snow pear but I have no idea what that tastes like.

What I do know is the flowers had an unusual aroma – very much like just a hint of vanilla. It must have been very attractive to the bees.

Today is my only “off” day and with the skies clouding up, I suspect I’m headed back to bed with a book in my hand. I made chocolate cookies the other day so I have plenty to snack on.

Tomorrow is physical therapy with Shannon.

Instacart will deliver my sandwich orders from Publix to the cancer center today – if they are not flooded out.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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