Everything Fred – Part 351

15 June 2024

For some reason, I had no energy yesterday. My afternoon nap ran to 3 hours! I got the pool filter cleaned (unbelievably dirty) but that was it and that was after the nap. I knew I wouldn’t be able to get to sleep last night so I took a sleeping pill for the first time in quite a while. I got out of bed around 7:30 and put on the coffee.

I feel a little better today but again have no energy. Changing linen on the bed this morning had me out of breath. I had to sit down and rest and drink a glass of water. I did manage to get my now usual, reduced cleaning routine done. I haven’t really done a good cleaning in months. Don’t go looking for dust bunnies under the beds because you will find a plethora of them. When I get my home equity line of credit paid off, I may entertain a cleaning service for the house. I’ve resisted so far. Maybe I can have them clean things I can’t get to and I can still do what I think needs me to clean.

One bit of good news is I’m now 3-0 on Signatera tests. This is the blood test that looks for breast cancer cells in your blood stream. The Florida panthers and I are doing great! I suspect I’ll be doing this test for the rest of my life.

I mentioned I canceled PT yesterday but I got a phone call a little later telling me they canceled it anyway because they lost electricity. I don’t know if that was due to the flood or if some work crews did something they shouldn’t have.

This was a very busy week. I had something scheduled for every weekday. Next week starts off easy. Tuesday I have PT, Wednesday is the MUGA scan and my monthly massage, Thursday is PT again and then on Friday I have my 6 month checkup with Dr. Burgers, my surgeon. I try to schedule only one event per day but Dr. Velez, the oncologist, scheduled the MUGA scan due to my reaction to Herceptin.

My auto insurance with State Farm went up by $241. I had read where insurance rates for autos was going up. It’s now $1760 for 6 months. Pretty soon I’m gonna have to take out a home loan to pay car insurance – either that or go back to work. I suspect my home insurance will also go up at least 10% (like every year). That’s if they let me keep my policy with Citizens – the insurer of last resort. I can see why some people who have paid off their homes stop their home owner’s insurance.

As you might guess, we’ve been blessed with a little more rain. At least we are not going through the deluges of the past 4 days. While the ground can still soak up most of the water, we will soon saturate it and then with a hurricane that’s heavy with rain, we could see some real flooding.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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