Everything Fred – Part 355

19 June 2024

It’s been a very busy day. First up was the MUGA scan at 10 am. Of course, I had to be there at 9:30. Felipe took me back and he was the one who set me up for the first scan back in October 23 (I’ve only had one MUGA scan before, 3 echocardiograms). The last time Felipe had a lot of trouble finding a vein. Not this time. He’s become a little more assured.

Danielle, the same one who put me in the machine last time did it again. The only uncomfortable thing (other than freezing temperatures) is you have to hold your arms above your head during the scan. My left shoulder started to ache. Danielle kindly switched gears and did scan 3 out of sequence so I could rest my arms down by my side.

From there I headed to Starbucks located inside Holy Cross Hospital. I have the app and thought I ordered my cappuccino. Apparently, the app was still stuck on Broward General’s Starbucks. I wasted some money but someone at Broward General got a free coffee.

After getting the right hospital for Starbucks and getting my cappuccino, I headed to Whole Foods to replenish my food stocks. I bought mostly fruit and cheese. I could live off that if it wasn’t for my cholesterol.

I left Whole Foods for Walgreens to pick up my antidepressant medication and then made it back home in time to grab a banana for lunch and head out to Wilton Manors to get a massage from Tom. I made it home around 5 pm and either the traffic is lighter or I beat it. Maybe the snowbirds have returned to Capistrano.

The bad news is I got the reading on the MUGA scan. It is 40% for the left ventricle ejection fraction so there has been no improvement since the last echocardiogram. Looks like next Tuesday’s meeting with my oncologist will be very interesting.

Tonight is movie night with Chris and Tucker.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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