My Getaway – Part 2

8 July 2024

The omens are stacking up. I managed to fall twice in two days. Yesterday was going up the stairs to my room. Today was the step down from the bathroom into the bedroom. And yes, I hurt my ankle the second time. I took it on the chin as well when I hit the dresser with my lower jaw. I also seemed to tear some skin on my arm and it bled like crazy until I could get to the Jeep and pull out my first aid kit. To top it off, New Smyrna Beach has had two shark attacks this past week. I don’t think I’ll go in the water.

Last night, I had dinner at Riverpark Terrace, recommended by Taylor. It was a 0.5 mile walk and I was tired when I got there. I was hungry so I had their Steak au poivre with French mashed potatoes and haricot verts. It was really good. I chased it down with a local beer. I splurged and got dessert, coconut cream pie which was really more like a coconut cheesecake but good none-the-less.

Riverpark Terrace Restaurant and Bar

While making my 0.5 mile walk along the Indian River, I noticed the houses were decked out in American flags and bunting. I also noticed that many of them had a Key West vibe.

This one had a side porch that was so tempting, I almost knocked on the door to ask if I could sit awhile. It was perfect with a wonderful breeze and shaded from the western sun.

As I approached the Black Dolphin, I noticed that I was running for re-election as mayor of New Smyrna Beach. My PAC needs to let me know these things.

Alas, the wind caught my sign just as I photographed it. You can see what really counts anyway.

I slept OK last night. I don’t think I got up any more times than I would at home. The bed was comfortable and the sheets were luxurious. The Black Dolphin is showing its age in some of the public areas but the finishings are top notch. My shower had tiny glass tiles along the base of the tub and all up the wall. The only thing is the tub is a jacuzzi but it doesn’t work. They’ve put a very nice manufactured sign (with Black Dolphins on it) that it is a soaking tub only.

I had it wrong yesterday. Breckie was French toast with apple and peach compote, a ham slice, fruit and orange juice. I saw someone with a take out tray heading to my room and realized she was going to bring breakfast to my room. I called her back down. There’s no place to eat in my room and I have no idea why they would do that. I prefer eating at a table anyway.

In my relaxed way of packing yesterday, I thought I had thought of everything. However, I failed to pack my insulin pen that still had doses in it. I packed the needles, the alcohol pads, and even a second pen that I had to keep refrigerated but not the one I wanted to finish up. I quickly unchilled the new pen and did my injection today with that one.

I’m swearing off sugar. I’ve been overdoing it with the Tootsie roll minis. I got a side look at myself in the mirror and was stunned. Just call me Buddha belly from now on.

What do you do in New Smyrna Beach? I decided you go to the beach. There’s limited access and when you find access is $20 for all day parking and you pay for all day. There is not 2 hour parking.

New Smyrna Beach and Daytona Beach are about the only ones left you can drive on. The sand is not loose but very packed. You could jog on this all day and not get bogged down with loose sand grabbing at your feet.

The homes all along the highway have kind of a wackadoodle architectural style and palette. I have a feeling the planning commission has a laissez faire attitude to zoning laws and architectural plans.

I decided to drive the length of the barrier island on A1A. Little did I know it turned into Canaveral National Seashore. Duh! Of course, I left my national park pass in my suitcase and had to pay $20 for admission. The park service can use the money.

The road reminded me of traveling to Flamingo in the Everglades. There are five parking places on the drive to the end of the park and the end of A1A. I pulled off several times to take wildflower photos. I’m sure that is a surprise for you.

Bayhops, Railroad Vine (Ipomoea pes-caprae)
Sea Oxeye Daisy (Borrichia frutescens)
Saltmarsh Mallow (Kosteletzkya pentacarpos)
Cape Honeysuckle (Tecomaria capensis)
Pink Purslane (Portulaca pilosa)
Black Mangrove (Avicenna germinans)
White Crownbeard (Verbesina virginica)
Blanket Flower (Gaillardia pulchella)
Cucumberleaf Sunflower (Helianthus debilis)

Along the way was the Eldoro House. It’s the last remaining house of the heyday of the community of Eldoro, the playground of the rich and famous in the early 1900’s.

Back on the road, it’s when you get to parking area five you have to be careful.

To be honest, I didn’t realize any federal lands allowed nudity. Parking area five’s boardwalk certainly had some nudity. Most were trucks so I assume they were rednecks. However, more than their necks were red.

From Canaveral National Seashore, I traveled back into town and got on US 1 and passed through Edgewater and Oak Hill on my way to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. It was a long haul down US1 and then off on FL3. As I got closer to what I thought was the end, I realized in the distance was the Vehicle Assembly Building of Cape Canaveral. It was huge even from a distance.

I finally pulled up to a gate and realized I was about to trespass on the non-public area of the Kennedy Space Center. The guard took my license and kept it as he made sure I turned around.

I then headed to the visitors center of Merritt Island and found it was closed on Mondays. Oh well. There wasn’t really anything to see but more area like the Everglades.

I headed back to New Smyrna Beach and filled up with diesel for tomorrow and stopped in an auto store to get some DieselClean since I was out. I then found the historic part of town.

It looked like a pretty vibrant area. New Smyrna is the second oldest town in Florida, behind Saint Augustine.

I stopped in at the Yellow Dog Eats Bar and Cafe for a pulled pork sandwich with Cole slaw. The Cole slaw was some of the best I’ve eaten. The pulled pork was good.

And finally, the yellow dog!

Tomorrow I head to Camden, South Carolina for two nights at the Four Oaks Inn. It’s about a 7 hour drive.

Stay tuned!


After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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