Everything Fred – Part 384

7 August 2024

It’s been a busy day. First up was a fasting blood draw at my endocrinologist. The phlebotomists there really are top notch but I wondered if there would be any problem finding a vein because of the dehydration. She found the vein but it collapsed about half way through. She went next door to the lab technician and found out she had enough to test. I had a baby hematoma but pressure put everything right.

I always go I-95 to the endocrinologist and get off on Sterling. For some reason, my Apple Watch listed Sheridan. Of course, I got off on Sheridan and realized I overshot Sterling so I took some back roads to get back to Stirling.

On the way home, I always travel 441. You get to see the guitar hotel at the Hard Rock casino. Traffic is always lighter on 441 unless you get in a herd of gamblers staggering home after an all night binge at the tables.

Just that simple trip took a lot out of me. I put on my armored vest and it did help with the back pain. I don’t wear it out in public because I don’t want people to think I’m a member of a swat team.

I decided to do Pizza Hut for dinner tonight. I even ordered the Cinnabon cinnamon rolls. Whole Foods delivered my order shortly after Pizza Hut so it was a busy few minutes eating pizza, cinnamon rolls, unpacking groceries and trying to find room in the fridge. I keep finding stuff in there I don’t remember putting in there.

Thanks to everyone checking up on me. It warms my heart. I’ve had phone calls from Joel, John, Chip, Michel and Nancy and texts from Holley, Jim and Barbara. I called Chris to cancel movie night (again!) and she promised Tucker wouldn’t pout too much. I’m a lucky guy with all these wellness checks!!

It’s gonna be an early night. I’ll take a muscle relaxer and a sleeping pill. I’ll probably dream of cinnamon rolls all night.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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