Everything Fred – Part 389

12 August 2024

ATT seems to have trouble keeping the internet up in our neighborhood. It went out on Wednesday of last week and was back Thursday. It went out again today and I keep getting updates but no estimated time of the system being back up. I’m sure they will refund some money for the outage.

It’s been a blah day. I just don’t feel great. I tried to get by without the back brace early today but finally gave in. I’m sure my poor posture doesn’t help my back issues and the brace makes me sit or stand straight.

I fully intended to go out today. I shaved for the first time in three days and also shaved my head for the first time in forever. The closer I got to leaving the house, the worse I felt, so I called Joel to see if he could pick up two prescriptions for me at Walgreens.

He and Keith were out and about and he quickly agreed. Apparently when Keith pulled up to the window and gave my name and birthdate, the pharmacist asked after me and made a point to tell Keith she said hello. She’s a gem and the one who always gives me vaccinations. It was super nice that she thought of me.

Later Joel brought my meds over and we sat and talked for a while. We both wondered what we had switched retirement for. Joel checks on six or seven houses for people and I seem to have one appointment after another. As he got up to go, so did I and I had to immediately sit down again. I was getting very dizzy, so I know I’m not just lazy but that I really do feel unwell. He also dropped off a package for me at FedEx.

This afternoon, Holley and Jim called and Holley wants to stay for my procedure. She didn’t want to dump me at the curb but go in with me. She insists she’ll be fine with the amount of time and take a book and iPad with her. She’s done this numerous times for me and I so appreciate it. She asked if Tom would prefer not to take me home after the procedure since she would already be at the hospital.

I talked to Tom and I think he will come and sit with Holley while I’m under. Great friends!

Speaking of going under, Holy Cross called me today to go over details of the procedure. Startlingly, they offered me the option of a local anesthetic or sedation. I chose sedation. When they put the port in, they used a local and it hurt like hell. Knock me out, please! They also clarified the time of arrival at 8 am, not 7 am so Holley and I will get to sleep a little longer tomorrow. No food or drink after midnight except water for my morning pills.

The person I was talking to asked me when the port was put in and I said I thought it was August 2023. Later, he needed to look up the actual date and found I’ve had that port in since May of 2023.

Holley or Tom or both will drive me home. I’ll be loopy for a while coming completely out of the anesthesia. I swear, it’s getting bad. I cannot for the life of me remember who brought me home from the hospital. I feel as though I’m losing my mind. It was either Joel, Keith, Barbara, Jim, Holley or Tom and I have no idea as to who.

Just received a message from ATT.
“Hi again, it’s AT&T. We’re still working to restore internet in your area. It should be fixed by Tue 08/13 07:00 PM EDT. We’ll text you when it’s back up.”

Hold your breath! Oh, in case you are wondering, I’m using my iPhone as a hot spot to publish the blog.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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