Everything Fred – Part 400

23 August 2024

I very reluctantly dragged myself out of bed at 6:30 this morning. After micturating and turning the computer on, I checked my phone for the day’s forecast. It showed rain occurring at the very moment I checked. I listened carefully and didn’t hear any rain. I decided to go look out the window and the streets were dry. That tilted me to do my morning walk. I had just put my boots on when there was a bolt of lightning, a crash of thunder, and a downpour. No morning walk.

I’m not sure what’s going on this morning but I’m kinda blah. I don’t feel badly but I also don’t feel great. I went to bed last night at 10 and got almost 8 hours of sleep so that’s not a problem. My back is slightly better today after the yoga exercises yesterday so I hope to continue them – just not today. Today I need to clean the pool filter, check the pool chemicals, rake leaves, wash down the patio and pool deck (iguana poop) and kill weeds. That’s enough exercise for today. I’ll be sure to wear the back brace.

Jim and Holley picked me up last night and we went to Flanigans. We all three ordered a full rack of their “famous” ribs with the idea of taking some home for lunch or dinner today. Truth be told, we ate only a few of the ribs and it looks like we might get three meals out of the leftovers. I have to agree with Jim and Holley that my Flanigans (just down the street from me) is the best and their ribs are the best of any barbecue place in town.

I did my morning chores. I raked leaves, cleaned the pool filter, checked chemicals in the pool, hosed off the patio and pool deck and sprayed for weeds. It wiped me out. I even took breaks during the various tasks. The back brace did help.

I had no sooner finished than we were hit with another downpour. Seems I timed it perfectly in between thunderstorms. For some reason, we seem to be getting a lot of lightning strikes and the accompanying booms in August. Pity the golfers with metal cleats on their shoes and an iron club in their hand.

Mea culpa. I was waxing too poetically on the blog about remembering when I saw a particular episode of history. I can now firmly say I did not see Nixon’s “Checkers” speech live. I was all of 3 or 4 years old. Sometimes I get caught up in the moment.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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