Everything Fred – Part 326

20 May 2024

I did a major change to my routine this morning. After getting out of bed, I put on my hiking boots (weak ankles) and did my morning walk first thing. The temperature was 76°F with 86% humidity but it felt much warmer. There wasn’t a hint of a breeze. We also have another heat warning. I made 1.3 miles this morning and 1.4 yesterday. I hope that by walking I can begin to increase my stamina.

What surprised me about changing my routine is it didn’t throw me off for the rest of the morning. Usually it does and I end up putting sugar in the coffee carafe and not my cup or I forget to take my meds, or I screw up the procedure for the insulin injection. None of that happened today but then again, the day is young.

The Broward County Property Appraiser completed a field inspection of my property last week and left a flyer that they needed additional information. I emailed the office today and someone called about 8:30 this morning. They were checking to see if I still lived at my address because they had gotten a lot of return mail. She then asked if I had a problem with mail. I said yes. One of our carriers may or may not come down our street. Most often, not.

I remember my Dad saying you could set your watch by the paper carrier for the Memphis Commercial Appeal they were so regular. Mail delivery used to be very consistent and almost always at a specified time. I’m such a creature of habit that I forget that others may not be.

Today is a noon visit to the ophthalmologist. Since I’m diabetic, he closely watches for diabetic retinopathy. Also, the cancer drugs can cause eye damage. They do the full Monty with peripheral vision testing, photographing the retina, etc. I can tell the vision in my right eye is not as good as the left eye even with glasses. I suspect I’ll have a prescription change. If I do, I’ll head directly to Costco and see what they can offer.

I normally buy my glasses from the office of the ophthalmologist at a premium price but the last pair they sold me I’ve taken in for repair 4 times. They fix them each time but it’s getting ridiculous. Everyone tells me Costco is great.

Add to that I’ll need cataract surgery before too long and you can see why they have me come in every 6 months. Fortunately, Medicare pays for everything but the refraction part of the exam.

Just thinking about the day gets me tired. I will definitely need a nap.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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