Everything Fred – Part 328

22 May 2024

One step forward, two steps back. After a full week of morning walks, I called an immediate halt to them today. Yesterday my ankle got to bothering me and I realized it wasn’t getting any better. I made an appointment for 4 pm at Holy Cross Urgent Care just a few miles from my house.

They took me in fairly quickly, took an X-ray and found I had a subacute distal left fibular tip fracture which means I had a bone chip break off from my fibula when I fell earlier this year after trimming branches on the sour orange tree. I’m embarrassed to say it was April 16th when I fell. I should have gone in sooner but I assumed (you know what that stands for) that it would get better. It didn’t. I didn’t go for a variety of reasons: too many doctors’ visits, male ego, stupidity….

Just inside the red circle you can see a small chip broken off from the fibula.

The result was Urgent Care put me in a boot and scheduled a follow up appointment with an orthopedic surgeon at Holy Cross. The doctor at Urgent Care didn’t think I needed surgery but wanted to be safe.

So now I clomp around in a boot until June 10th when I will see a Dr. Mills about the bone chip. I can already tell that it will affect my left hip since that foot is higher off the ground than the right foot.

I can’t wait to see what Shannon says when I walk into physical therapy on Thursday. She’s seen me on a cane, a walker, and now a boot. I’m sure she thinks I’m accident prone.

All I wanted to do yesterday was relax. I get to do that this afternoon since I have a 1 1/2 hour deep tissue massage with Tom in Wilton Manors. Like Shannon, he’s seen me go through a variety of ills.

After the massage, I’m meeting Tom and Kurt for an early dinner. It’s always good to catch up with those two.

Tomorrow, I have PT and then the viewing for Mary Dinnen. Some of us are getting together at Holley and Jim’s for some light fare and then going over to the funeral home. I won’t go to the funeral. They take too much out of me.

I spent the morning updating my medication list (it changes so rapidly these days) and what procedures I’ve had: echocardiograms, electromyography, MUGA, etc. This is getting to be old.

Stay tuned until the next medical problem arises!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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