Everything Fred – Part 331

25 May 2024

My phone always wakes me with a reminder to take my meds at 6 am. Sometimes I ignore it but this morning I was determined to get in a walk. I still didn’t make it out of bed until a little after 7. The air temp was around 76°F and the humidity wasn’t too bad so I decided to walk Riverland Road. On Saturdays, the traffic is light and you can actually cross the road without taking your life in. your hands.

As I passed the nature preserve, I again marveled at the size of the sea grape. It’s an aptly named plant.

Sea Grape (Coccolobo uvifera)

Most people plant this as a shrub and don’t realize how large it can get.

Sea Grape (Coccolobo uvifera)

The photo doesn’t do it justice. The left branch towards the left middle of the picture actually goes over the fence of the preserve and hangs over the road. This is one of the largest I’ve ever seen.

Further along the walk, I came to the canal that holds the most yachts.

If you look closely (or enlarge the photo) you can see a man on the cowl of the large yacht on the right polishing the cowl. Most of the people that own houses along the canal don’t own the yachts. Instead they lease the space for the owners of the yachts. You have to be careful because maritime law is a little picky about the home owner’s rights when there is a leased space for a yacht.

Just after the canal with the yachts is my turn around point, another canal without ocean access to the north but with ocean access to the south. There a bridge over the canal and people north of the bridge must have a very small boat to get under the bridge. They would have help this morning because there was a very low tide. I managed 1.45 miles this morning with my hiking boots protecting my ankle.

Costco notified me that one pair of my glasses came in but I’ll wait until the second pair arrives and pick both up at the same time. I kind of hope it won’t be until Tuesday since today and Memorial Day will probably make a trip to Costco seem like hell on earth. The parking lot is dangerous on a good day much less on Memorial Day.

I need groceries and I’m debating whether to go into Whole Foods or have them deliver. Since I’ll be washing clothes and cleaning house, I suspect I’ll cop out and have them deliver.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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