Everything Fred – Part 334

28 May 2024

I was out the door for my morning walk at 7 am but it was already 79°F and 85% humidity. I cut the walk a little short, after 1.3 miles. My legs were getting a little wobbly.

I passed by my favorite yard this morning and was attracted to the Sulfur Cosmos. The common name sulfur makes you think of yellow but there is color variation within the species and these are bright orange.

Sulfur Cosmos (Cosmos sulphueus)

I’ll be honest, if it weren’t for the feature on my iPhone to identify plants, I wouldn’t know this. I would have probably put it in the genus Coreopsis. Thank goodness for the plant identification feature! This species is native to Mexico, Central America and northern South America but obviously has been spread worldwide. Those orange colors get your attention.

After my two breakfasts, I showered and dressed and headed to Costco to pick up one of my two pairs of glasses. The ones that were ready were the sunglasses. I really like them and I particularly like the focus at a distance with the new ones. My old ones were giving me a little blurring. If the new regular glasses are as good, I’ll be satisfied.

New Costco sunglasses

From Costco, I headed to Pools ‘n More to drop off my Great White pool cleaner. It’s gotten worse. It sometimes moves, sometimes stays where it is and doesn’t really do anything as far as cleaning the pool. I’ve never had to drop it off before and wait for them to call me. Usually, they fix it in front of me but apparently the people manning the store didn’t know how to work on it.

Tonight, I’m picking up Judith and Chris around 5ish and we are headed to Sardi in Wilton Manors. They said they liked Peruvian food and I like the restaurant enough to eat there again.

We are predicted rain today. That’s nothing new. It just never delivers. It was 60% chance when I started out this morning and now it’s 55%. Rain is scheduled from 4 pm – 6 pm. Don’t place any bets. I may have to dust off an old rain dance we used to perform in the Boy Scouts.

Asplundh pulled up to the house across the street from me today and started trimming a tree too close to the transformer. I figured they would get through just in time to start grinding the limbs as I decided to nap. Nailed it. One year they trimmed a few of my Cabada palms by simply cutting the top out of the palm and leaving the trunk. They certainly don’t take any pains to make things look decent.

Hopefully, I’ll get my trees trimmed around the 3rd of July. That’s bulk trash pickup for my neighborhood and it saves the cost of paying for landfill.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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