Everything Fred – Part 335

29 May 2024

I had a very enjoyable dinner with Chris and Judith at Sardi in Wilton Manors last night. We had the same waiter as when with Tom and Kurt, and I suggested to Judith and Chris to share the 2 for 1 appetizer. It was as good as I remembered. Towards the end of the meal, the chef came out and talked with us again. I actually think we brought Sardi additional business when Judith had her coffee and churros at an outside table. By the time we left, another outside table was filled and one inside. Chris and Judith insisted on paying for my meal. I hadn’t seen them since they got back from England and a memorial service for Chris’ sister.

My phone this morning told me it was 6 am and time to take my meds. I got up and was out of the house for my morning walk around 6:15. It was just getting light.

It was 76°F and 90% humidity. We never got the promised rain yesterday even though the clouds made it look eminent. I made 1.4 miles fairly easily this morning but towards the end when I was approaching home, I noticed a little foot drop.

I know I’ve shown you the Royal Poinciana in my neighborhood numerous times but as I rounded the corner to my house, I got a different view. It’s amazing the difference a few days makes in how many blooms are on the tree.

Today I had to be fasting for a blood draw. My endocrinologist’s office does the draw and he has two phlebotomists there who are excellent. Even so, he had to draw the blood from just above my right thumb. From there, I walked back to the ultrasound room and had my thyroid photographed six ways to Sunday. She didn’t see anything terribly different from my last. I have two nodules that Dr. Jellinger is keeping an eye on but they seem to stay the same size and are nothing to worry about.

I got through at the endocrinologist too quickly. I drove to University Avenue and pulled into Costco a little after nine. It didn’t open until 10 so I just waited in the car. People started pulling in and by the time the doors opened a line had formed. I walked in and picked up my new glasses (with transition effect).

I then stopped off for their $1.50 hot dog and refillable soft drink. I found out hot dogs don’t taste too good to me.

While waiting for Costco to open, I got a phone call from Pools ‘n More that they couldn’t find anything wrong other than needing a skirt for the Great White pool cleaner. I drove over and paid $36 to spring my Great White. Usually, they only charge for the part but they must have started charing for labor.

From Pools ‘n More, I headed to Walgreens to pick up yet another prescription. I seem to do this every two days or so. By the time I pick one up, another is ready for refill. It’s hard to keep up with them.

Once back home, I attached the Great White to its hose and then checked the impeller to the pool pump. It was packed with debris and the fellow at Pools ‘n More was correct that it restricted the water flow which affected the functioning of the Great White. What’s so strange is I check the impeller every week when I clean the pool filter. There must have been one heck of a clog somewhere along the line that broke free and impacted the impeller.

As you might guess, after all the running around, I was exhausted. I ate a banana curled up with a book, read for a few minutes and then napped.

Tonight is movie night with Chris and Tucker.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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