Everything Fred – Part 337

31 May 2024

Yesterday, Trevor mowed my yard. I kept noticing he walked back and forth in the yard without the mower, weed eater or blower. As I went to hand him a check, he told me about a yellow jacket nest in my palm tree. He had already sprayed it. I went to look and what stung him was really paper wasps.

The next day I was bringing in the garbage bin from the road and he said he had found 4 more nests under the leaves of my Chinese Fan Palm. He had sprayed all four. I can believe I haven’t been stung getting out of the Jeep because I always brush up against those palm fronds. Unfortunately, Trevor was stung several times. Fortunately, he’s not allergic.

I find it interesting that they put their nests under the fronds of the palm. Usually, they are under the eaves of my house. I can imagine the wind blowing the fronds and the wasps trying to land on the nest – pretty much like a jet trying to land on a bouncing air craft carrier.

Last night, Michel, Nancy and I headed to Casa Playa on the beach in Fort Lauderdale. It’s a beautiful restaurant.

The other side of the bar is open air.
To be honest, the servers seemed new to the job and didn’t really remember who ordered what nor what side to serve dishes. I think they need to work some kinks out.

Alas, the consensus was the food was just mediocre. We shared an appetizer of fried pork belly. Michel had the Ropa Vieja, Nancy had the Ceviche Casa Playa and I had the Lechon Asado. Although the food was a disappointment the company was great and we got to catch up with each other. One of these days, someone is going to let me pay for my meals and theirs. My last four meals at restaurants have been “free.” It’s not that I’m not appreciative but fair is fair.

This morning I managed about 1.1 miles. It was not bad weather-wise but you could tell it would be another warm day.

After breakfast(s) it was time to clean the pool filter. Fortunately, I didn’t have to rake leaves first but I did have to weed wack an area around the generator.

After cleaning the filter, I washed down the pool deck and patio, watered the plants, and then sprayed the front and back for weeds creeping up through the bricks in my sidewalk and back areas.

I finished around 11 am and then downed a bottle of Gatorade, had a banana and crawled into bed to read for a while and then nap.

Tonight I plan to continue re-watching The Crown. I swear I don’t remember 85% of it.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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