Everything Fred – Part 336

30 May 2024

It was a 6:30 walk along Riverland Road this morning for 1.4 miles with a temperature of 76°F and 96% humidity. I can’t tell if I’m getting stronger or not because I still feel weak in the legs but at least I’ve upped my game to over a mile each day.

I spent most of the morning writing checks for bills and trying to figure out what has gone crazy with my accounting software. I upgraded to the new MoneyDance software and it usually pulls the old accounts in perfectly. It didn’t this time. It tells me I have a balance of $34,000.00. I’m not sure but I don’t believe that is correct. I think I’ll have to start over at the first of the month and then backtrack on obligated funds. It’s just a pain to do.

I’ve gotten a whole lot of new respect for physical therapists. I walked in today with my boot and both Shannon and Andrea looked at me funny and asked why my boot wasn’t fitting properly. They immediately got down on their knees and started reconfiguring the boot. Apparently, I had it on wrong. My toes were hanging over the edge when I walked. I didn’t even know that the walls of the boot had an air pump.

They deflated the air pump, opened up the boot and refitted my foot into position. My toes no longer hung over the end. It fit much better. The nurse who put it on me didn’t say anything about the proper way to fit it. Both Shannon and Andrea knew exactly what was wrong. We joked around about how the next time I needed something to come see them first. That’s not a bad idea because it was Shannon that showed me how to properly use a cane. The doctor simply told me to use one. Shannon told me I didn’t need it any more.

Shannon showed no mercy. She still gave me a full workout.

Last night was movie night with Chris and Tucker. Chris selected It Happened One Night with Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert. It was directed by Frank Capra (always a winner) and it won 5 academy awards including best picture for 1934.

There are two famous scenes in the movie that are played over and over again when the movie is mentioned. The first is one of those is when the bridge washes out and they have to get off the bus and stay at a motor lodge cabin and Gable hangs a blanket to separate the two twin beds (the walls of Jericho). That was a very risqué scene back in 1934.

The second famous scene is when Gable is showing Colbert how to use your thumb to hitch a ride – unsuccessfully. She then asks if she could try. She said she’d get a ride and wouldn’t use her thumb. That’s where she hikes up her skirt and shows leg and Alan Hale (Gilligan’s Island fame) immediately stops and picks them up.

I’ve stayed in those motor lodge cabins as a kid and it brought back a lot of memories. One time my parents, Archie and I stayed in one outside of Asheville, NC. I remember smelling the sickly sweet smell of the paper plant near Asheville.

When the bridge went out, they had a scene where the police were stopping everyone and the road hazard was lined with smudge pots. I knew these as a kid also.

Smudge Pot or Toledo Torch

I assume they put kerosene in them and they would light a wick. They had a definite aroma when lit and surprisingly were fairly easy to see on a dark road.

Both Chris and I commented on the “autogyro” that was in the movie. We were both surprised the thing could even fly.

Autogyro photo from Newcomen.com.

Of course, Claudette falls in love with Clark but they have to have the dramatic scene where each thinks the other doesn’t love them back. It’s a happy ending with Gable and Colbert staying at another motor lodge cabin and when word of Colbert’s annulment comes through, the walls of Jericho come tumbling down. The lights in the cabin go off and the rest is left to the imagination. Again, very risqué in 1934.

Tonight is dinner with Michel and Nancy. I haven’t seen them in a while and can’t wait to catch up.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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