Everything Fred – Part 392

15 August 2024

The ides of August are upon us! As you might guess, the diarrhea was followed by constipation. I’m back on prunes again every morning.

I really wanted to sleep in this morning. I stayed up until 12:30 am scrolling through Instagram. It’s gotten to be a bad habit. I finally crawled out of bed around 7:30 and slowly got ready for the neurologist appointment.

The nurse took me back early but it was almost 11 before he saw me (10:30 appointment). I didn’t mind because I assume other people are worse off than I. The examination showed improvement with my ulnar nerve damage and the neuropathy. I have more feeling in my legs and hands than before. He’s keeping me on Cymbalta and Jardiance because they are good medications for neuropathy. My next checkup with him is in a year.

From the neurologist to Walgreens. The endocrinologist changed my Metformin from 1000 gm twice daily to 500 mg twice daily. He thinks it might be a source of my diarrhea. The neurologist’s opinion was a viral infection. In any case, I have an appointment with my GP tomorrow at 10:45 to see about a stool sample. I feel like I’m going back to those days of Mother checking my brother and me for worms every year. I should be an expert in fecal smears by now.

John is bringing over a BOGO from Honey Baked and a plain vanilla Bundt from Nothing Bundt Cakes. They do mini Bundts that are delicious.

Chris and Tucker stopped by for a visit yesterday and I gave Tucker his present from my trip – Chicken Pot Pie treats. He loved them. Chris and I caught up and Tucker did his usual exploration of his “territory” to make sure everything was in place and normal. It was good to see them.

My TRIM notice came today and the market value for my house according to the tax collector was $398,820 last year. This year my market value is $450,500. That’s a $51,680 increase in home value. My property taxes last year were $2292.68 and if the proposed budget is passed, my taxes this year will be $2,371.75, a $72.79 increase. I can live with that. For some reason, if the budget has no change from last year, my taxes will be $1610.40.

I feel a nap is in my future this afternoon.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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