Everything Fred – Part 393

16 August 2024

I waked to a very slow drip, drip, drip. I thought “Oh no! There’s a leak somewhere in the house.” I thought if I stayed in bed it would go away. Not. Around 7:30 I decided I needed to investigate. I went into the hallway where I thought it originated – no drip. I went back into the bedroom and stood by the east windows. Success! It was raindrops hitting the Bahama shutters. About that time, it started a downpour.

It was nice to relax in bed after knowing I was not having a roofing problem and listening to the rain and the thunder. I can see why some people opt for a rainstorm as white noise. It almost competes with rain on a tin roof which I used to enjoy when I visited my grandparents on my Dad’s side. Of course, you’ve never heard a din like hail on a tin roof. I remember that occurring one time thinking the world was coming to an end.

I’ve been in a few hailstorms in my time. The largest size hail I remember seeing was about golf ball size. I was at Logan Pass at Glacier National Park one trip when it snowed, hailed and the sun came out – a triple whammy. I’ve also seen hail so intense, it covered the ground like snow. Of course, in the South, hailstorms can be a prelude to tornados so it pays to be alert when you see or hear hail. I’ve only had hail here in Fort Lauderdale once and was alerted to it when it made a real funny sound on the awning over the back porch.

My GP appointment went well. In essence, he doesn’t think it is worth the effort for a stool sample. It probably was a virus or the Metformin causing my diarrhea and I was overdoing the anti-diarrhea medicine by taking two capsules. He did suggest a probiotic like Align and to cut back any lactic acid intake like my yogurt, cheese or milk. Otherwise, unless it keeps recurring, to just quit worrying about it and it might straighten itself out. He said my bowels may be recovering from the August 1st episode.

Looks like more rain today so I may have some major nap time with the raindrops hitting the Bahama shutters.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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