Everything Fred – Part 394

17 August 2024

I got enough energy yesterday to clean the pool filter and basket. It hasn’t been cleaned since Denyse did it for me the week before I got back. It took some time. I didn’t rake leaves even though it was needed but I did hose off the pool deck and patio. I was pretty tired after everything. But – I took my first shower since the port removal! I actually feel clean for the first time in three days, spit showers not withstanding.

When my grandmother Ruby and Aunt Buleah went antiquing, they were always on the lookout for a basin and ewer (pitcher). I can’t image that as your sole source of clean up in the house. Ruby was probably raised without a bathtub per se but probably had a watering trough inside for that purpose with hot water heated on a wood burning stove.

By the way, one of the best places for antiques in Mississippi was Sebastopol, Mississippi.

The town is located about half way between Jackson and Meridian and just east of Walnut Grove. We pronounced the town as [seh BASS teh pool]. Maybe because Mississippians pronounce it differently, it will not be annexed by Russia. Mississippi has some very classy sounding names like Carthage and Heidelberg. Then again, there’s Chunky and Scooba on the other side of the argument.

I loved going to Sebastpol and antiquing with my grandmother and aunt. There were warehouses of antiques of every shape, kind, period, and price. Everything was negotiable.

Much later, I was manager of Golden Memorial Park in Walnut Grove (another Mississippi Metropolis) which is near to Sebastopol and hired a lifeguard from Sebastopol, Larry. We are still friend to this day and the last time I was in San Antonio, I stopped by and met Larry to catch up. We have a few stories we can tell about the swimming area at Golden Memorial.

Grandma Searcy, whenever I would visit, would chase us kids out into the yard during a rain storm and have the water from the roof provide the shower. Just think of a yard full of neckid kids running around, hooting and hollering in the rain. The lye soap got us pretty sterile.

Which makes indoor plumbing all that more enjoyable. I managed to clean the bathroom (toilet, shower, basin and floor) and vacuumed the house, mopped the kitchen, and changed bed linen. Each required a little R&R before completing. I just finished washing and drying clothes and putting them away.

There’s some satisfaction getting the linen changed, the clothes washed, dried and put away, and the house cleaner (I won’t say clean – I’m not up to it yet.). I have another shower in store for me today (luxurious) and Sunday is a real restful future.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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