My Getaway – Part 18

24 July 2024

After 3,330 miles, I’m back home. I unpacked the Jeep, unpacked the suitcase, washed clothes, and put away groceries that I ordered from Whole Foods this morning in Savannah. Let’s just say I’m tired and will have an early night.

Breakfast at the Inn on West Liberty was considerably better this morning with absolutely perfect scrambled eggs, bacon, and overnight French toast. Seems the overnight stuff is a big hit. Alfonso did well.

I asked to see Patty early this morning and when she came in I gave her dog treats for Sidney (he loves them) and pointed out that whoever tidied my room took a bag that contained my insulin needles. I wasn’t able to do an insulin injection this morning. I also told her that if she looked at the inside shower curtain in the upper left hand corner she would find some bird poop. Oh well, things considered, I really enjoyed my stay other than the room was freezing at night. It does not have individual a/c controls for the rooms.

I really enjoyed the trip but I am glad to be home and get back to some daily routine. I’m pretty much a creature of habit. These trips help me reset but I need structure in my life.

The trip down I-95 wasn’t as bad as usual. I got in the express lanes in West Palm Beach and cruised until the two lanes merged into one and traffic came to a dead standstill. After I got past that, I managed to get back in the express lanes in Boca Raton and made excellent time until I got off at Davie Blvd.

I think I might sleep late tomorrow.

Stay tuned!