My Getaway – Part 14

20 July 2024

OK, it’s official, the overnight oatmeal is a hit. Jimmie and I had it for breakfast topped with strawberries, blueberries and peaches. We made more today for tomorrow. I can get used to the combination.

After breakfast and a walk with Jimmie (1.6 miles!) we regrouped and decided on the day’s activities. First stop was a CVS for me to pick up some ferrous sulfate for my low iron levels and some Metamusil to keep me regular. Next stop was a visit to the REI store where I salivated over all the camping equipment.

Jimmie found me a map of North Carolina waterfalls at REI and I purchased that and have already warned Jimmie and Stephen I’ll be returning to get in their hair on my next waterfall tour. I did make a great find at the store. They now have vegetarian freeze dried meals for once. Most of the freeze dried meals in the past have been for two people which can be a waste (I have eaten a two person meal in one setting but that’s rare). When I get home, I’ll go online and see what’s available. Even if I don’t camp again, they make great emergency food sources – like for hurricanes.

Next up was the Greensboro Historical Society Museum, aka Greensboro Historical Museum with some 17,000 square feet of exhibitions and over 30,000 objects in the collection. I’ve never been to the Smithsonian but I suspect this is a little like that. As a matter of fact, it is an accredited Smithsonian affiliate.

To be honest, the exhibitions overwhelm you. There’s not a square inch of the walls or display cases that is not covered with some historical object. A small section of the exhibit was on O. Henry. The exhibit has his high school desk and even one of his wedding rings.

I remember reading The Gift of the Magi as well as The Ransom of Red Chief. I love the ending of The Ransom of Red Chief. Never underestimate the ability of a child. It was the Home Alone of its day.

How they got so much memorabilia I have no ideal. It looks as though people swarmed the museum with donations. This place is impressive and you would need many visits to see just the permanent collection.

Lunch was at Jason’s Deli. Jimmie and I had their southwestern bowl (their special of the day) and Stephen had a roast beef sandwich. The food was very good and the place was hopping, even though we were a little later than a normal lunch crowd. I think the best thing was a free ice cream machine.

It started raining as we were dining and we decided to call it a day and head back home. After the large lunch, we didn’t want much for dinner. I shared a half pimento cheese sandwich with Jimmie and we each had a white peach and we all had cubed watermelon. Stephen had a turkey sandwich on Ciabatta bread.

We did our own movie night with Somethings Gotta Give. I had never seen it and it has an Allstar cast with Jack Nicolson, Diane Keeton, Keanu Reeves, Frances McDorman (Fargo fame) and Jon Favreau. It’s a 2001 movie but retains its relevance today. It’s well worth a watch!

Tomorrow we had to Chapel Hill to visit with Jimmie and Stephen’s son, Louis, his wife Rachel, and their two daughters. I’m looking forward to meeting Rachel for the first time and the two daughters. Stay tuned!