Everything Fred – Part 373

25 July 2024

I slept 9 hours and 50 minutes last night. Seems like I need a little R and R from my R and R.

It’s funny how quickly you get back into your routine. There were a few times this morning that I had to think “What’s next?” but I got coffee brewed and overnight oatmeal eaten. Normally, I would walk after that and have a second breakfast but I had a lot of chores to do this morning.

First up was to fold the clothes I failed to take out of the dryer last night. What are a few wrinkles between friends? I even ironed my bluejeans.

From clothes it was to picking up palm fronds in the back yard. That took a while. There were only two fronds – one very small and one very, very large (Royal Palm frond) and then tons of little pieces of fronds all over the yard. I decided to do that before the sun got too high in the sky. Tomorrow is yard waste day and garbage pickup so I needed to get that done.

After a second breakfast of half a grapefruit and a second cup of coffee (and the Thursday crossword puzzle which I solved!) I started unpacking the gifts I purchased for friends and started organizing that. There’s nothing expensive in the gifts – just enough to let them know I was thinking about them and thanking them for all their support this year.

From there it was the mail. Apparently Florida Power and Light is going to put our power lines in the Flamingo Park neigborhood underground. I had several questions and I called the person listed on the packet. I will incur no costs. It seems I’ve already paid for it with an additional few dollars to my electric bill over the years. I don’t even have to pay for the power line to my house. I questioned him about my pool, my palms along the pool and the fence. From what I gathered, it’ll be done from the front yard not the backyard and they will be tunneling, not digging trenches. I also asked about my generator and he told me that would be rewired without cost to me. Yea!

Then there was a new credit card (United Airlines Visa). I called the number on the letter and got disconnected. I called the number on the card and got disconnected. I went to the website and got shifted around and had to log in twice. It was finally activated.

I also received my ballot for the August 20th primary. I knew who I would vote for the larger offices but when it came to all the judges, I had to dig it out from the internet. I really take this seriously and review all their bios and with whom they do service. That took about two hours.

For dinner tonight, I wanted some beans. I chose green beans and used a recipe I found on YouTube. You empty three quarters of the liquid in the can and then put everything left in a pot and start to slowly cook them down after adding a pinch of sugar. You evaporate all the liquid and when you begin to hear the beans pop, they are done.

I caramelized some onions and then added that to the green beans. I’ve gotten addicted to caramelized anything and the two worked well together. My major professor, Dr. Pullen, hated green beans. He grew up in the depression era and green beans were a bountiful crop for his family and they had them every day. He refused to eat another after he left to go to college.

Tomorrow, I need to go pick up three different medications from Walgreens. Apparently, the automatic filling system works well with them while I was away.

It’s good to be home, back in a routine, and in my own bed.

Stay tuned!