My Getaway – Part 17

23 July 2024

Breakfast at 8:30 was nice but nothing to write home about. It was a Spanish omelet prepared in a ramekin with sausage and toast. The precursor was a fresh fruit bowl that was good and the orange juice flowed freely. Sidney pretty much ignored me for the new people.

Fickle dog!

After breakfast, I decided to jump on the hop on/hop off tour. There are several tour companies that run tour buses all throughout the day. I noticed the sign on mine said $50 for adults. When I charged it through the inn, it was $41, so a nice $9 savings through the inn.

The tour was kind of blah. You barely got to one place the bus driver was describing and you were off to the next. You couldn’t take photos because the bus wasn’t stopped long enough except at the scheduled stops (15 of them) and the stops were not interesting. I got off at stop 13 and walked around old town.

I noticed the Savannah Day Spa on York Street and went in. They were able to schedule me a 90 minutes deep tissue massage at 2 pm.

Afterwards, I walked to the Gallery Espresso (established 1993). They show art work from local artists. I got an iced coffee for the first time this summer. It may become a regular feature for me. There was an older gentleman (younger than me) who was entertaining a young couple with his stories. Just as they were about to leave, he started up again. The young couple could not get away. Shoot me if I become a nonstop story teller.

From there I headed to Chocolat by Adam Turoni. Just walking into the store overwhelmed me with the aroma of chocolate. They make everythi ng on the premises and I confess to spending a wee bit of money in the store. Well, maybe more than a wee bit. They even pack your chocolate up and put ice packs in with them to last you two hours in case you are day shopping.

I got the chocolate back to the inn and relaxed a little until the 2 pm massage. The therapist was Lisa and she was really good. She was able to find way too many knots in my shoulders and back – I guess from driving. She was chatty and we covered most topics, including religion. She really did have magic hands and I left a decent tip.

I did a little more shopping and then stopped in at an ice cream place (it was 86°F) and had a large cup of three different scoops of coconut mango, limon, and blood orange. Delicious and a great way to cool off. The shop had an unusual name – Doki Doki Ice Creamery. I have no idea what it means.

I then headed next door to get some dog treats. I think I know how to make Sidney to pay attention to me. I love the name, Woof Gang Bakery. Let’s see the newbies at breakfast tomorrow to compete with that!

From there I headed to Six Pence Pub to have an early dinner.

Six Pence Pub

I decided to have half a sandwich and a bowl of soup. I ordered a roast beef on pumpernickel and French onion. The soup was just OK but the roast beef was great. Since it was a British type pub, I ordered a half and half to drink. I know some people hate the stuff but I actually like it and order it every time I get a chance.

From there it was a short walk to the inn, a shower, and writing the blog. It’s been a great, albeit hot day in Savannah. I asked for another 8:30 seating for breakfast and I’ll probably be up and packing the Jeep for home tomorrow before breakfast. I’ve toyed with the idea of stopping one more night between Savannah and home just to not have such a long drive (6 1/2 hours) but I think I’ll just drive through unless I get super tired.

This has been a great trip. Probably my favorite place to stay has been Four Oaks in Camden, SC and the second favorite is the Inn on West Liberty. You learn a lot on trips like this. I’ve learned to take two coolers. The GPS almost always adds one hour to any trip and you actually either make it exactly on time or a little early. Summer is not a great time for road trips. I intend to line up spring and fall trips for now on. Even winter is better. Some of the hosts of these inns are a little, shall we say, exotic. I never could understand Bobbie’s directions at the Lodge at River Run at Banner Elk.

Highlights for me was to spend a little time with Terry in Boone, Michael in Fredericksburg and, of course, Jimmie and Stephen in Greensboro. Life is good.

Stay tuned!