My Getaway – Part 11

17 July 2024

I was awake by 5:30, mostly because I got so much sleep yesterday and last night. I took my time packing and hauling everything down to the Jeep. Then it was off to breakfast at the Settlers Inn.

When I was there yesterday for breakfast, I looked at one of their offerings and thought I would get it the next day. It was overnight oats. It’s the first time I’ve ever eaten those and I think it might become a regular part of my diet. I understand the key is using rolled oats and not instant nor steel cut.

The trip to Fredericksburg ended up around 5 1/2 hours. The traffic really wasn’t too bad until you hit the DC area and then everything came to a stop.

The Robert Johnston Inn is nice. It’s located right in the old part of Fredericksburg. I’m in the Virginian Room and I feel very patriotic. I’m not sure what makes this the Virginian room. It looks more like the Americana room with all the U.S. flags all over the place.

There fire escape plan is a folding ladder under the bed that you hang over the window sill. Have you ever tried to climb up or down one of those? I had that experience in the Coast Guard and you really have to be fit to do that.

The one thing I appreciate is I didn’t have to remove 32 pillows from the bed before getting into it. It seems to be a trait of these BandB’s to put pillows all over the bed and only 4 of the 32 are functional for sleeping.

Note only 1 fluffy pillow on the bed!

There are two dining rooms for breakfast.

There’s one sitting room.

Breakfast is at 9 am. You have to keep track. They are really upset if you show up at the wrong time at these BandB’s.

After getting the luggage up to the room, I called Michael to tell him I made it. He picked me up around 5:30 and we headed to a Spanish restaurant and had tapas. As he drove us to the restaurant and drove me back, he pointed out some historical parts of the city.

He’ll come back around 12:30-12:45 tomorrow and we’ll tour some more historical areas. Michael is always interesting to listen to and we both have a love of Civil War history and Fredericksburg is the place to be for that.

I met Michael several years ago through Joel and he and I communicate quite frequently. We also have other friends in common in Fort Lauderdale, Greg and Michael. It’s a small world. Michael is an accomplished author of 23 books, a lot of them historical fiction. We always have good conversations when we get together.

While dining, we had a thunderstorm push through the area and bringing a little rain that the area needs. Tomorrow should be a little cooler than today and we plan to do some walking in Fredericksburg.

Stay tuned!