Everything Fred – Part 367

1 July 2024

I saw flashes of light again this morning but it was actual lightning and not my eye condition. You could hear the storm getting closer and then the rains came. I can always tell when it is raining while I’m in bed because the heliconias next to my bedroom window seem to gather the raindrops and then begin a constant drip, drip, drip against the Bahama shutters. It’s a little like rain on a tin roof – more soothing than annoying.

I have been in some rainstorms that the tin roof effect is annoying. My grandparents on my Dad’s side had a house with a tin roof and if it was really coming down, you couldn’t hear any conversations going on in the house. Of course, the word tin these days probably means aluminum. That was not the case at my grandparents. It was composed mostly of the element tin. The roof alone on that old house is probably worth a fortune.

It was still raining when I finally got out of bed around 8. There will be no walk today. It looks like we are in for a few wet days. I’m in for a few sluggish days. I’ll try to do some exercises in the house to keep my hand in and to try to build my stamina for the trip.

What started out as a rainy day turned into a very sunny one, just in time for thunderheads to start appearing from the west. We’ll probably get another heavenly dew this evening.

I was in plenty of time for my MRI at Holy Cross. They were running a little behind and I was taken back around 1:30 for a 1 pm appointment. All they were to do was an MRI on my left foot to see about the tendons and ligaments. That simple MRI where only my foot went into the machine seemed to last forever. I got out of there around 2:30.

I stopped at J Marks for something to eat. I hadn’t eaten lunch and I wanted something sit down instead of fast food. Mike was my waiter and he was very good at his job which earned him a good tip. I had the walnut shrimp in Thai sauce. Later I had Key lime pie and coffee. It was nice to (1) not have to cook and (2) not rush through a meal. Prices for food have really gone up and I suspect it’s because restaurants are paying more for food and for staff. My little meal was $32.58 without tip and I left him a tip of $8. The food was good and I don’t mind paying for good food and good service.

Since my “lunch” was so late, I’ll probably punt on dinner and maybe eat some fruit before bed.

Tomorrow is dinner with Joel and Keith, Wednesday is dinner with Barbara and Thursday is July 4th at Catherine’s. Friday is a Sears repairman and Sunday is my trip.

Stay tuned!