Everything Fred – Part 376

28 July 2024

Three in a row! I feel like I’m on a roll. This morning I was a little lazy getting out of bed and it was past 8 when I started my morning walk. I managed 1.5 miles. Along the way, I found out one of the neighbors was having to put their dog down today and another neighbor hates picking up trash in his yard (he has a corner lot at a busy intersection). I found 4 houses for sale on the stretch I walked which could be either bad or good. Morning walks are very informative.

For those of you who are tired of my plant photos, I thought I would show you some of the animals in the hood.

I had just finished a finger isle when this popped into my view.

Virginia O’possum (Didelphis virginiana)

The owners pulled up just as I was walking away and I turned around to make sure they saw him. I reminded the driver they did not carry rabies. Normally, I see these walking across the cable lines in my backyard at night. The O’p0ssum was the first animal I learned the tracks of in the field. I still don’t want to cuddle one – those needle like teeth!

Day before yesterday I was visited by a lone ibis. Normally, they run in small groups or as many as 15.

White Ibis (Eudocimus albus)

There are two species in Florida: white ibis and glossy (sometimes called a black ibis). The immature white ibis is not white but brown and grey. The ibis is the mascot of the University of Miami, probably because we have so many down here. I’ve seen the glossy ibis in the Everglades.

Once home today, I noticed something really unusual.

Green Anole (Anolis caroliniensis)

When I moved to Florida in 1985, these were a lot more common. They are native to the southeastern U.S. However, invasive species out competed the population of green anoles and they became difficult to find. I’m glad to see this one back, however, he/she needs to be careful.

The black spiny-tailed lizard is omnivorous and that little green anole would make a tasty snack.

After cleaning up breakfast and making the bed, I headed to the pool. The temperature is a balmy 89°F. Any warmer and it would be like a hot tub. It was very relaxing. I have an outdoor shower set up that I used and then headed inside for lunch.

This afternoon I plan to read a little and nap a little. Dinner will probably be left over pizza.

Stay tuned!