My Getaway – Part 3

9 July 2024

I was out of bed at 6 am and the Jeep packed by 7:30. I noticed I was out of breath bringing the stuff down from the room and loading the jeep. Breakfast wasn’t until 8 but I asked the chef if he would serve me early and he agreed.

It was delicious with one exception. The blackberries had absolutely no taste. The drizzle of honey was a nice touch. I overheard a conversation that the chef had a new son. I gave him a tip and congratulated him and then commiserated with his future lack of sleep.

I had no soon turned the corner from the guest house than the tire low air pressure light came on. How did we exist without tire pressure sensors? I went ahead and started north on I-95 thinking I would pull over at the first rest stop and put air in the tires with my electric pump. It took a while for the first rest stop.

As I started putting air into the tires, I realized I was getting light headed. For each tire, I had to sit down and rest before moving to the next tire. I finally got all four inflated to their maximum and got on my way. It was then I realized I had not taken my insulin dose. Next rest stop I shot up with insulin. At least I remembered my morning pills. I also called the Black Dolphin and told them I had run off with their room key and would mail it back to them when I got to a post office. Memory is iffy these days.

I used my GPS to get me to Camden. I kept noticing it said I was 3 hours and 6 minutes away – for the next 100 miles. Something went crazy with the GPS ETA. I pulled into Four Oaks around 3:30 and promptly met Janet.

Janet is a stickler for procedure but maybe that’s why she doesn’t have memory problems. I had to sign in and then she brought me a complimentary Cherry Bounce aperitif favored by George Washington. It’s said he took some with him on his campaigns during the Revolutionary War and the recipe is supposedly from Martha’s recipe. A bottle is only $35. It actually is quite good.

The entry way is quite nice and when I looked, I immediately dreaded the stairs with my suitcase. That was a lot of stairs.

The common area was quite spectacular. It’s like we are in a home of some rich person during the Revolutionary War which apparently was Janet’s intention. She carried it out well.

I mentioned my problem with the stairs and had to go into an explanation about my chemo and lack of energy. She said no problem, there’s a elevator!

It supposedly will hold one person but I simply put my luggage in it and sent it to the second floor. To the right of the elevator are free snacks, soft drinks and water along with some really good chocolate chip cookies.

My room is the Steeplechase room.

The fireplace is a gas one and she suggested I might want it lit if for nothing else than the atmosphere.

The bathroom is a hoot!

In my current condition, I don’t think I could get in or out of the clawfoot tub but the shower is nice and roomy and I don’t have to step as high.

I even have my own private balcony.

It’s a little hot to sit out there right now. However, behind the house is a pool!

Janet went over a list of features in the room and then a list of eateries. I chose Salud for tonight’s meal. It was pretty good. I had their guacamole and enchiladas verde.

Downtown Camden is thriving. Unlike most small downtown areas which have numerous shops closed, this place didn’t have any empty storefronts.

They’ve even stayed true to the architectural style of the past.

You’ll see the image of the Indian shooting his bow and arrow a lot around time. This impressive building is City Hall.

I have to admit I’m concerned about the light headedness that seems to dog me with any physical exertion. The bending down to put air in the tires really kicked my butt with the dizziness. So did the simple act of removing the suitcase from the Jeep and getting it to the elevator. My question is it due to (1) medicines I’m taking (2) the Herceptin lingering or (3) my heart. Dr. Velez’ nurse did call me this afternoon and tell me to start taking some ferrous sulfate since I was low on my iron blood test. I’ll look around town for a pharmacy. Another damn pill! If my iron level doesn’t come up, it’s back to infusions.

Tomorrow I intend to give Camden a good look over. Janet made suggestions. Camden isn’t hung up on the Civil War. They are trying to push their Revolutionary War history.

Stay tuned!