My Getaway – Part 13

19 July 2024

Breakfast was a type of French toast, fresh fruit, and some form of sausage that I stayed away from. I had packed the Jeep earlier and immediately after breakfast I headed towards Greensboro, a 4 1/2 hour trip. I pulled into Jimmie and Stephen’s a little after 2 pm.

After a big hug from Jimmie and unpacking the Jeep, we got down to some serious giggling. We regress to our childhood every time we get together and Stephen puts up with us. To make matters worse, Jo asked if Jimmie could talk so when Jimmie called her sister, Jo was surprised to get a twofer – she didn’t realize I had made it to Greensboro.

As the clothes dried (oh yeah, I had a huge load to wash) the three of us yakked it up. For some strange reason we got off on teeth, dentists, our hatred of going to the dentist, etc. Every point got significant giggling. To top it off, a photo Stephen took of me and Jimmie I doctored and cut our heads off and sent Jo the picture of bodies without heads. I think you can get an idea of the type of humor we get into. All we needed was Jean on the phone call.

I was pretty much raised with these three sisters. This summer I saw Jean for the first time in several years and we started giggling about five minutes into the meet. Put all of us in a room together and we all become stand up comics. And, we think we’re funny.

Stephen cooked some Alaska wild caught salmon burgers for dinner from Costco. I need to find these my next shopping trip there. These turned out excellent. Jimmie had made a broccoli salad that was really, really good. Desert was fresh cut watermelon. I could live off fresh watermelon.

Jimmie and Stephen stocked up on every kind of fresh fruit you can think of. I’m gonna eat well during my visit. Jimmie and I also made our own version of overnight oatmeal to try tomorrow. We’ll let you know the verdict.

After dinner, Jimmie and I did around an 0.7 mile walk through the neighborhood. We both had to stop and rest twice on a hill. My legs are really weak and I still can’t feel the bottoms of my feet. Uphill is a challenge.

Every time I stay in Greensboro with Jimmie and Stephen, it just feels right. I’ve even claimed my own room on the second floor – the Fred room. It’s the way we roll with Jo, Jean and Jimmie and me – we’re family.

We may do some sightseeing tomorrow and then again we may do nothing. Stay tuned!