My Getaway – Part 16

22 July 2024

You really do need to try the overnight oatmeal. It seems to get better every time we make it. With the threat of rain, Jimmie and I braved the wilds of Tallwood and made 1.2 miles with just a light mist. We weren’t nearly as out of breath this time. Progress!

Proof of survival after the walk.

Jimmie made me a half a pimento cheese sandwich and loaded me up with plums, apples, carrots, and cokes. On the way down to Savannah, I managed to eat everything except the apples and only had one coke (to keep me awake).

I pulled into Savannah just a little before four and met Patty and Sidney. Sidney is the vicious guard dog that announces everyone. She’s very diligent about her job. The front of the building is quite attractive.

The front may be attractive but the interior is beautiful. It rivals any of the inns I’ve stayed in this trip.

Common area/living room
Breakfast room

We will be eating in two shifts: 8:30 and 9:30. I chose the 8:30 shift. When I checked in I was given the ticket for the tour which departs about a block from the inn. Patty indicated it was an excellent way to see the city and she encouraged me to do the complete tour.

They have an elevator! Patty took my luggage up in it and showed me my room, the Wright.

Note the headboard. It’s two large doors and ornately carved.

I even have a private balcony!

The view from the balcony isn’t bad either.

There’s wine and cheese at 5 pm and I’ll probably make that. We are in the middle of a terrific thunderstorm (lights blinking on and off) and it’s pouring down rain so my exploration will have to wait.

Just a word about staying with Jimmie and Stephen. They are excellent hosts! Of course, Jimmie and I grew up together but Stephen goes out of his way to make sure I’m comfortable. Stephen learned early that you marry a family and he’s shown remarkable tolerance to the Agnew side of the family. I think he even likes me.

Just to get an idea, I mentioned casually I liked fruit for breakfast and voilá, fruit for days when I got there. She knows I use a shower mat and she bought one for me while at their house. They think of my every need. I only hope that I host as well.

Stay tuned!

My Getaway – Part 15

21 July 2024

Overnight Oatmeal rules! It seems to get better and better each time we make it. We are still topping with strawberries, blueberries and sliced peaches. Yum!

Jimmie and I managed a 1.6 mile walk this morning. The temperature was OK but the humidity was 90%. We were both huffing and puffing when we got back to the house. Out water bottles were almost drained.

We were scheduled to go to Chapel Hill to see Jimmie and Stephen’s son Louis, his wife Rachel and their two daughters around 1:50. That meant a very leisurely morning and a very leisurely lunch. For Jimmie and me, it was watermelon, blueberries and strawberries. I’m trying to take care of most of their fruit larder. Stephen had cottage cheese and watermelon. The melon has really been delicious.

We headed over to Chapel Hill and I finally got to meet Rachel and the two daughters for the first time ever. The last time I saw Louis was when he was a teenager at Jean and Rogers and he, Kirk and Kevin were rushing upstairs to play some game (and to get away from the adults). Louis gave me a big hug and welcomed me in to his home. The older daughter was a little shy when I walked in but the younger daughter took to me immediately.

I must be special because I was the only adult that received a gift from them. It was a very special gift that only select people are offered.

If you can’t figure it out, it’s an eraser. Not just any eraser, but a green one – my favorite color. You’ll also notice that it looks like the tip of a Crayola Crayon. You see, erasers are very important when you are in school or beginning Kindergarten. I immediately recognized the importance and significance of this gift. I’m sure the other adults were jealous.

About this time the older daughter started to warm up to me after a shy beginning. These kids are adorable, smart, and as different as two sisters can be. For their age, their vocabulary is considerable as well as their comprehension. Louis and Rachel are doing a great job with these two.

I spent a lot of time with the younger one on the front door step doing experiments with chalk and water and brushes and making different colored patterns on the concrete. She quickly understood that red and blue make purple, her favorite color. She’ll be a scientist one day!

As we were getting ready to leave, I got two wonderful hugs from them and an open invitation to come back. Nailed it! Next time I see them I may hold out for two erasers.

On the way back we stopped at a Key Westy type of restaurant for dinner. It was pretty good food and when it came time for desert, we were asked about the Key Lime pie. Jimmie refuses to eat it anywhere but south Florida. I did check and their pie was not green at least.

Of course, in the middle of our visit we got word about President Biden not running again and his endorsement of Vice President Harris. It’s gonna be a long 4 months.

Tomorrow I head for Savannah after our morning walk and breakfast. My GPS in the Jeep says it’s almost 7 hours. Hopefully it won’t take that long. I filled up with diesel before I got to Greensboro so I should be good with one tank.

Stay tuned!