Everything Fred – Part 371

5 June 2024

I really didn’t want to do my morning walk this morning. I don’t know why because I was in bed by 10 and asleep pretty early in spite of the fireworks. I think my neighborhood had a bigger show than Fort Lauderdale’s.

Any way, I got up and started to head to the third finger isle when I ran into Chris and Tucker. I was saved! I only walked around 0.8 miles but enjoyed talking with Chris and Tucker. You could smell the gun powder from the fireworks in the air as we walked. I made it back to the house and realized I was very tired from the walk.

After breakfast, it was time to clean the pool filter, patio and pool deck and then kill weeds. I also needed to pick up some fireworks residue in my yard as well as some palm fronds. That went pretty well but I noticed I was really beat afterwards, more so than usual.

While walking past my wild lime, I noticed a small, giant swallow tail caterpillar on the lime. These are dangerous plants with long, recurved thorns waiting to catch you as you walk by. The only reason I have them in my yard is it’s a favorite food of the caterpillar.

If the above looks like bird droppings, that’s the point. It’s how the caterpillar can feed and not be eaten by birds. When disturbed, it projects two fleshy lobes, the osmeteria to mimic the split tongues of snakes.

I’ve not seen the pupae but hopefully, I’ll see some on my wild lime later this month.

After getting all my Friday chores finished, I showered, had 3 cucumber sandwiches and a glass of lemonade and then crawled into bed to read a little. A very little. I napped for about 2 1/2 hours. Maybe the fireworks kept me up more than I think they did.

My question is the fatigue still from the Herceptin treatments or is it my heart isn’t pumping like it should. I guess I’ll find out when I get back because I’ll have another echocardiogram.

I keep thinking of things I need to pack for the trip but the major packing will take place tomorrow after I wash.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 370

4 July 2024

Happy 4th!

I made my morning walk this morning and managed 1.3 miles. The humidity is continuing to weigh everyone down. It begs the question how early do you have to get up to walk without wilting?

I had a party to go to for the 4th at Catherines and she asked me to bring an appetizer. I spent the afternoon making cucumber sandwiches. I followed a recipe that said add 1/2 cup mayonnaise. After I got everything fixed, I felt the mayo overwhelmed everything. However, they must have been edible because the party put a pretty good dent in the sandwiches.

Party at Catherines. Left to right, top to bottom: Kurt, Maureen, Dianne, Catherine, Tom and Cary. Charlie is under the table.

Catherine prepared hotdogs and hamburgers – a very 4th of July tradition. She went all out with American flags, banners, table cloth, and blue and white napkins.

It was good to get together and it’s always good to catch up with everyone’s’ summer plans. Of course, we spent a good deal of time on our ailments. We have become our grandparents.

All indications are we will have a lot of fireworks. They were certainly popping off at Catherine’s and they are starting here at the house. I feel for Tucker who has to go hide in the closet. Maybe there’s room for me!

I’m still waiting for my replacement oven glass. I keep having to reschedule the Sears appointment to install the glass that hasn’t arrived.

I did make some headway with packing but most will wait until Saturday after I wash clothes. There’ll be a lot I need to wash that I need to take on the trip.

Stay safe, don’t hold any M80’s in your hand while lit.

Stay tuned!