Everything Fred – Part 377

29 July 2024

Around 5 am my iPhone alerted me to low blood sugar from the continuous glucose monitor. It read 53 mg/dL and anything below 70 is considered low. I popped two Tootsie Roll minis and got out of bed and started my day.

After overnight oatmeal with peaches, blueberries, and strawberries and my first cup of coffee, I set out on my walk along Riverland Road – in the dark.

I met a few joggers and a few dog walkers to and from. The temperature was bearable but the humidity was 90%.

Next to a yard with a lot of Areca palms, tree frogs were going nuts. There must have been 30 of the little buggers singing their hearts out for a mate. I started to record them but the traffic along Riverland had picked up significantly and it would have been a wasted effort.

Sunrise was a nice affair, particularly along the canals.

Looks like dock space is at a premium. If that low pressure system develops eventually into a hurricane, this area will be loaded with boats trying to get shelter. Hopefully, that will not happen.

My glucose is stubbornly low. It’s now up to 58 and that’s after the overnight oatmeal, coffee with sugar, pony Gatorade, grapefruit, and coffee with sugar again. I’ll certainly need to keep an eye on it today.

On the glucose front, I finally found my old test kit with test strips and lancets. When I tested it this morning after breakfast, it was 149. Later after I got back from the doctor’s appointment, it was 94 with the test strip. There’s something wrong with the sensor so I called Abbott Labs and they will send me a replacement and I have to send them the bad sensor. I run into this problem frequently. This is the third sensor they’ve had to replace.

As far as the doctor’s appointment, he was an hour late in seeing me. He showed me the MRI and carefully explained what I was seeing. In essence, he said there was no need for surgery and he recommended a solid AFO brace. His office would be happy to have one form fitted to me for $800 or I could order one off the internet for $43 but it wouldn’t be form fitting. My insurance would not cover it unless I contested the wrong size boot I was given. I doubt I’ll do either. I’ll just rest it and let it heal on its own. This happened to me several years ago and it took months for it to heal even though I was hiking every day. This doctor said it would be 3-4 months if I didn’t stress it. I’ve got to figure out a new way to tuck in the sheets on the bed since sitting on my heels is now a no-no.

Tonight is dinner with Joel, Keith and Barbara at Antony’s Coal Fired Pizza. According to Barb, it’s National Wing Day and Anthony’s is known for their wings. We’ve had a couple of rain storms today and we will probably have a couple of more tonight. My yard could use the water.

Stay tuned!