My Getaway – Part 4

10 July 2024

Let me show you what I found when I came down for breakfast this morning.

Those are real candles, real china, real pewter. I was really taken aback. As you can tell, I was the only guest last night. There are only 3 rooms in the inn. Breakfast started with a fruit salad (not the canned kind) with a huge muffin that I guiltily ate every bit, then a Spanish omelet. Janet kept coming in and pouring coffee. There’s a bell on the table I was supposed to ring to summon her.

Janet had recommended I should visit the Revolutionary War Park for my first stop in Camden. It was actually my second. I remembered to return the room key to the Black Dolphin by stopping in at the post office.

The Park is relatively new – only 3 years old. It’s a beginning brought about by non-profits, local volunteers and donors, and the local community college. It’s impressive.

This is one of three buildings at the welcome center.

There is an exhibit building and as I walked in I was greeted by Eileen who proceeded to give me a personal guided tour. This docent knew her history. I had studied about Camden in a college course entitled “The History of the American Revolution.” Since college days, I have read one or two books about the southern campaign. From what I remembered, she nailed everything correctly.

Eileen pointed out I could purchase tickets here for the Kershaw house up the hill. Then the person who ran the gift shop gave me several additional tips including the GPS address of the Camden Battlefield.

As I let the place and headed to the next gift shop, I met a docent that gave me further information. As I walked out, I found a functioning blacksmith shop.

This was Mr. Hollis. As we got to talking we realized we had something in common. He started teaching American History at (then) Memphis State University in 1966, my freshman year at Ole Miss. We, of course, discussed football. I also mentioned my grandfather had a small blacksmith shop at his home in Pulaski. Meeting and talking with him was a treat.

It was pointed out I could park closer to the Kershaw house by moving my Jeep to another parking lot. As I started my walk to the house, the docent from the second gift shop came behind me in a golf cart and offered me a ride. I was thrilled. I was huffing and puffing up a minor hill. When we got there, he left the golf cart for me to use to return to the village.

Kershaw House

After climbing the steps of the Kershaw house, I experience dizziness again and actually had to grab a hold of an antique trunk to keep from falling.

The docent inside the Kershaw house was equally knowledgeable about the house and the period. Joseph Kershaw built the house circa 1778 and before he could really occupy it, Lord Cornwallis used it for his base for the Southern Theater. Camden is the oldest inland town in South Carolina, founded in 1750 and was an important crossroads between the “West” and the “East.”

Cornwallis sent Kershaw to prison in the Caribbean. During the Civil War, supposedly the house was burned by the confederates to prevent it falling into the hands of the union soldiers. The beginnings of the Park begin in the 1960’s when the town came together and spurred the historical aspects of Camden. In digging on the site, they found the original foundation of the Kershaw house and what you see today is a perfect replica on the outside – since they had a photograph from the 1860’s. The interior is based on typical homes of the period.

When they started the reconstruction, they found some of the original bricks dating back to the 1770’s. The basement is paved with them.

I’ve never driven a golf cart before. The docent at the Kershaw building gave me a quick tutorial and I made my way back to the other buildings in the park.

Included in the park are several other buildings. There is McCaa’s tavern which was the office for Dr.John McCaa who combined medicine with tavern keeper. Handy, don’t you think?

McCaa’s Tavern

Another interesting building was Bonds Conway house. He was a slave who became very adept at carpentry. He eventually made enough money to purchase his freedom and was the first slave in South Carolina to do so. He continued to thrive and to this day his descendants return to the house to celebrate his life.

From the park, I headed to the Camden Battlefield, one of the worst losses for the Continental and volunteer army of the war. For the year the battle was fought, the deaths represented 37% of the total American soldiers lost that year. It was in 1780 when Lorn Cornwallis’ 2000 troop met Horatio Gates’ (hero of Saratoga) 4000 troops and destroyed them. Gates left the battlefield early and a lot fell on the shoulders of a Prussian officer commissioned in the Continental Army. He was mortally wounded in leading his troops against the British.

Cornwallis won the day decisively but Gates was replaced by Nathaniel Greene who eventually chased Cornwallis to Charleston and I think you know how that ended. That’s why you have a lot of towns and counties named DeKalb and Greene.

The battlefield was exceptionally poorly marked. There were only seldom traveled dirt roads that were overgrown. Compared to the park, this needs a lot of work.

Camden has embraced their history in the revolutionary war and is doing a great job. Downtown is thriving, there’s a lot of entrepreneurial people in town and it’s making a difference.

Dinner tonight was at Sam Kendall’s on the main drag.

I sat at the bar and had a lemonade and a pear salad. When the bartender brought it out, it had no pears. She was terribly embarrassed and quickly brought me the pears. Apparently they have a new apprentice in the kitchen and he failed to put pears in a pear salad. They offered me a free desert but I turned it down – remember I’m trying to lower my sugar intake.

Tomorrow I head to Boone, NC, around a 4 hour trip to visit my friend and former colleague, Terry. He and his wife retired to Boone years ago. Terry and I mostly laugh when we get around each other. We seem to feed off each other and it’s a rollicking good time. I’ll leave from Terry’s house to go to Banner Elk, about a 40 minute drive where I’ll stay at the Lodge at River Run.

Stay tuned!

My Getaway – Part 3

9 July 2024

I was out of bed at 6 am and the Jeep packed by 7:30. I noticed I was out of breath bringing the stuff down from the room and loading the jeep. Breakfast wasn’t until 8 but I asked the chef if he would serve me early and he agreed.

It was delicious with one exception. The blackberries had absolutely no taste. The drizzle of honey was a nice touch. I overheard a conversation that the chef had a new son. I gave him a tip and congratulated him and then commiserated with his future lack of sleep.

I had no soon turned the corner from the guest house than the tire low air pressure light came on. How did we exist without tire pressure sensors? I went ahead and started north on I-95 thinking I would pull over at the first rest stop and put air in the tires with my electric pump. It took a while for the first rest stop.

As I started putting air into the tires, I realized I was getting light headed. For each tire, I had to sit down and rest before moving to the next tire. I finally got all four inflated to their maximum and got on my way. It was then I realized I had not taken my insulin dose. Next rest stop I shot up with insulin. At least I remembered my morning pills. I also called the Black Dolphin and told them I had run off with their room key and would mail it back to them when I got to a post office. Memory is iffy these days.

I used my GPS to get me to Camden. I kept noticing it said I was 3 hours and 6 minutes away – for the next 100 miles. Something went crazy with the GPS ETA. I pulled into Four Oaks around 3:30 and promptly met Janet.

Janet is a stickler for procedure but maybe that’s why she doesn’t have memory problems. I had to sign in and then she brought me a complimentary Cherry Bounce aperitif favored by George Washington. It’s said he took some with him on his campaigns during the Revolutionary War and the recipe is supposedly from Martha’s recipe. A bottle is only $35. It actually is quite good.

The entry way is quite nice and when I looked, I immediately dreaded the stairs with my suitcase. That was a lot of stairs.

The common area was quite spectacular. It’s like we are in a home of some rich person during the Revolutionary War which apparently was Janet’s intention. She carried it out well.

I mentioned my problem with the stairs and had to go into an explanation about my chemo and lack of energy. She said no problem, there’s a elevator!

It supposedly will hold one person but I simply put my luggage in it and sent it to the second floor. To the right of the elevator are free snacks, soft drinks and water along with some really good chocolate chip cookies.

My room is the Steeplechase room.

The fireplace is a gas one and she suggested I might want it lit if for nothing else than the atmosphere.

The bathroom is a hoot!

In my current condition, I don’t think I could get in or out of the clawfoot tub but the shower is nice and roomy and I don’t have to step as high.

I even have my own private balcony.

It’s a little hot to sit out there right now. However, behind the house is a pool!

Janet went over a list of features in the room and then a list of eateries. I chose Salud for tonight’s meal. It was pretty good. I had their guacamole and enchiladas verde.

Downtown Camden is thriving. Unlike most small downtown areas which have numerous shops closed, this place didn’t have any empty storefronts.

They’ve even stayed true to the architectural style of the past.

You’ll see the image of the Indian shooting his bow and arrow a lot around time. This impressive building is City Hall.

I have to admit I’m concerned about the light headedness that seems to dog me with any physical exertion. The bending down to put air in the tires really kicked my butt with the dizziness. So did the simple act of removing the suitcase from the Jeep and getting it to the elevator. My question is it due to (1) medicines I’m taking (2) the Herceptin lingering or (3) my heart. Dr. Velez’ nurse did call me this afternoon and tell me to start taking some ferrous sulfate since I was low on my iron blood test. I’ll look around town for a pharmacy. Another damn pill! If my iron level doesn’t come up, it’s back to infusions.

Tomorrow I intend to give Camden a good look over. Janet made suggestions. Camden isn’t hung up on the Civil War. They are trying to push their Revolutionary War history.

Stay tuned!

My Getaway – Part 2

8 July 2024

The omens are stacking up. I managed to fall twice in two days. Yesterday was going up the stairs to my room. Today was the step down from the bathroom into the bedroom. And yes, I hurt my ankle the second time. I took it on the chin as well when I hit the dresser with my lower jaw. I also seemed to tear some skin on my arm and it bled like crazy until I could get to the Jeep and pull out my first aid kit. To top it off, New Smyrna Beach has had two shark attacks this past week. I don’t think I’ll go in the water.

Last night, I had dinner at Riverpark Terrace, recommended by Taylor. It was a 0.5 mile walk and I was tired when I got there. I was hungry so I had their Steak au poivre with French mashed potatoes and haricot verts. It was really good. I chased it down with a local beer. I splurged and got dessert, coconut cream pie which was really more like a coconut cheesecake but good none-the-less.

Riverpark Terrace Restaurant and Bar

While making my 0.5 mile walk along the Indian River, I noticed the houses were decked out in American flags and bunting. I also noticed that many of them had a Key West vibe.

This one had a side porch that was so tempting, I almost knocked on the door to ask if I could sit awhile. It was perfect with a wonderful breeze and shaded from the western sun.

As I approached the Black Dolphin, I noticed that I was running for re-election as mayor of New Smyrna Beach. My PAC needs to let me know these things.

Alas, the wind caught my sign just as I photographed it. You can see what really counts anyway.

I slept OK last night. I don’t think I got up any more times than I would at home. The bed was comfortable and the sheets were luxurious. The Black Dolphin is showing its age in some of the public areas but the finishings are top notch. My shower had tiny glass tiles along the base of the tub and all up the wall. The only thing is the tub is a jacuzzi but it doesn’t work. They’ve put a very nice manufactured sign (with Black Dolphins on it) that it is a soaking tub only.

I had it wrong yesterday. Breckie was French toast with apple and peach compote, a ham slice, fruit and orange juice. I saw someone with a take out tray heading to my room and realized she was going to bring breakfast to my room. I called her back down. There’s no place to eat in my room and I have no idea why they would do that. I prefer eating at a table anyway.

In my relaxed way of packing yesterday, I thought I had thought of everything. However, I failed to pack my insulin pen that still had doses in it. I packed the needles, the alcohol pads, and even a second pen that I had to keep refrigerated but not the one I wanted to finish up. I quickly unchilled the new pen and did my injection today with that one.

I’m swearing off sugar. I’ve been overdoing it with the Tootsie roll minis. I got a side look at myself in the mirror and was stunned. Just call me Buddha belly from now on.

What do you do in New Smyrna Beach? I decided you go to the beach. There’s limited access and when you find access is $20 for all day parking and you pay for all day. There is not 2 hour parking.

New Smyrna Beach and Daytona Beach are about the only ones left you can drive on. The sand is not loose but very packed. You could jog on this all day and not get bogged down with loose sand grabbing at your feet.

The homes all along the highway have kind of a wackadoodle architectural style and palette. I have a feeling the planning commission has a laissez faire attitude to zoning laws and architectural plans.

I decided to drive the length of the barrier island on A1A. Little did I know it turned into Canaveral National Seashore. Duh! Of course, I left my national park pass in my suitcase and had to pay $20 for admission. The park service can use the money.

The road reminded me of traveling to Flamingo in the Everglades. There are five parking places on the drive to the end of the park and the end of A1A. I pulled off several times to take wildflower photos. I’m sure that is a surprise for you.

Bayhops, Railroad Vine (Ipomoea pes-caprae)
Sea Oxeye Daisy (Borrichia frutescens)
Saltmarsh Mallow (Kosteletzkya pentacarpos)
Cape Honeysuckle (Tecomaria capensis)
Pink Purslane (Portulaca pilosa)
Black Mangrove (Avicenna germinans)
White Crownbeard (Verbesina virginica)
Blanket Flower (Gaillardia pulchella)
Cucumberleaf Sunflower (Helianthus debilis)

Along the way was the Eldoro House. It’s the last remaining house of the heyday of the community of Eldoro, the playground of the rich and famous in the early 1900’s.

Back on the road, it’s when you get to parking area five you have to be careful.

To be honest, I didn’t realize any federal lands allowed nudity. Parking area five’s boardwalk certainly had some nudity. Most were trucks so I assume they were rednecks. However, more than their necks were red.

From Canaveral National Seashore, I traveled back into town and got on US 1 and passed through Edgewater and Oak Hill on my way to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge. It was a long haul down US1 and then off on FL3. As I got closer to what I thought was the end, I realized in the distance was the Vehicle Assembly Building of Cape Canaveral. It was huge even from a distance.

I finally pulled up to a gate and realized I was about to trespass on the non-public area of the Kennedy Space Center. The guard took my license and kept it as he made sure I turned around.

I then headed to the visitors center of Merritt Island and found it was closed on Mondays. Oh well. There wasn’t really anything to see but more area like the Everglades.

I headed back to New Smyrna Beach and filled up with diesel for tomorrow and stopped in an auto store to get some DieselClean since I was out. I then found the historic part of town.

It looked like a pretty vibrant area. New Smyrna is the second oldest town in Florida, behind Saint Augustine.

I stopped in at the Yellow Dog Eats Bar and Cafe for a pulled pork sandwich with Cole slaw. The Cole slaw was some of the best I’ve eaten. The pulled pork was good.

And finally, the yellow dog!

Tomorrow I head to Camden, South Carolina for two nights at the Four Oaks Inn. It’s about a 7 hour drive.

Stay tuned!

My Getaway – Part 1

As I mentioned, I’ve had it with doctors, procedures, tests etc. and I felt the need to get away from all of it for a period of time. It’s not like I’m going to be a life long patient for several physicians. It’s a strange trip hop scotching from one BandB to another. I just decided to wander a while.

I got a late start, on purpose, because it was only a 3 1/2 hour drive to my first BandB/Inn, the Black Dolphin. I finally got everything packed into the Jeep and left the house around 11 am. It was kind of nice to not be in a hurry and worry about traffic on I-95. The drivers weren’t too crazy and not too angry at me going the speed limit.

One thing I noticed on the way to New Smyrna Beach was the number of Sabal palms along I-95 and how many of them were in bloom. I should have stopped and taken a photo because it was really an amazing sight.

I pulled into the circular drive of the Black Dolphin just before 3 pm and met Taylor who was valet parking a car. He said he’d meet me at the front desk to check in.

The Black Dolphin has this Mediterranean vibe.
The Black Dolphins. The theme is carried throughout the house down to the house keys with a dolphin on the key ring.

Taylor provided a short tour of the facility and the first come, first serve parking and then my room.

The patio area.

He asked if I needed any help with anything and I said yes, my suitcase. I pulled it out for him and started to take my coolers and satchel up and promptly face planted on the steps to my room (I’m on the second floor). Yes, I irritated my ankle a little with the face plant.

The room is very nice.

I even have a Juliette balcony on the north side but I don’t think I’ll spend much time out there. It didn’t seem too sturdy.

The lobby and the kitchen are together. Upon checking in, you are asked what time you want breakfast and then what you want. I had three options: eggs, bacon, toast; waffle with fruit, and granola and fruit. I chose the waffle. Their menu looked pretty gourmet.

The Black Dolphin is on the Indian River. There’s a nice view from the front balcony of the hotel (a lot more substantial than mine).

Indian River

The host who greeted me is named Taylor which is my middle name. It seems there is another guest whose middle name is also Taylor.

Anyway, Taylor recommended some restaurants close by so I’ll probably walk down that way a little later and get some dinner. Lunch was apples, turnips, carrots, and Snickers minis.

Taylor suggests staying off the road to the beach until tomorrow. As I was driving in, they had signs telling everyone the beach parking was full. Monday should be better because everyone partying for the 4th will be gone.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 372

6 Jul 2024

I went on a cleaning frenzy today. Partly it was due to my trip tomorrow. I’ve always liked coming home to a clean house after a long trip. Mostly it was due to a burst of energy that appeared out of nowhere.

I cleaned things that I haven’t done in months. There were dust bunnies scampering all over the floor to get out of the way. I hadn’t done my deep monthly cleans in so long the dust had gotten pretty deep.

I started with the shutters in my bed room which seem to take forever as you clean individual slats. I took rugs and an air mattress from under the bed and cleaned the air mattress which seems to be a dust magnet. Then it was the book cases in the house, the coffee table, side boy, and dresser on which I have my TV. It was then time to oil the rattan in the bedroom (two dressers), the rattan chair in the living room and my pie safe.

Once that was done, I pulled everything off the floor of my closet and cleaned that. Next it was time to vacuum, dust the floors, mop the floors, and clean the bathroom. In the utility room, clothes were washing and drying. Let’s just say it was a productive day.

Now that everything is washed and dried and folded, I can begin packing the suitcase. I figure to wear mostly shorts on the trip and pack maybe one pair of long pants. I think comfort is the rule of the day, particularly with summer temps seeming to creep even into the mountains.

My first two nights is in New Smyrna Beach. Check in is 3 pm so I may explore things as up move up the coast. It’s only a little over 3 hours to New Smyrna.

Time to pack. Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 371

5 June 2024

I really didn’t want to do my morning walk this morning. I don’t know why because I was in bed by 10 and asleep pretty early in spite of the fireworks. I think my neighborhood had a bigger show than Fort Lauderdale’s.

Any way, I got up and started to head to the third finger isle when I ran into Chris and Tucker. I was saved! I only walked around 0.8 miles but enjoyed talking with Chris and Tucker. You could smell the gun powder from the fireworks in the air as we walked. I made it back to the house and realized I was very tired from the walk.

After breakfast, it was time to clean the pool filter, patio and pool deck and then kill weeds. I also needed to pick up some fireworks residue in my yard as well as some palm fronds. That went pretty well but I noticed I was really beat afterwards, more so than usual.

While walking past my wild lime, I noticed a small, giant swallow tail caterpillar on the lime. These are dangerous plants with long, recurved thorns waiting to catch you as you walk by. The only reason I have them in my yard is it’s a favorite food of the caterpillar.

If the above looks like bird droppings, that’s the point. It’s how the caterpillar can feed and not be eaten by birds. When disturbed, it projects two fleshy lobes, the osmeteria to mimic the split tongues of snakes.

I’ve not seen the pupae but hopefully, I’ll see some on my wild lime later this month.

After getting all my Friday chores finished, I showered, had 3 cucumber sandwiches and a glass of lemonade and then crawled into bed to read a little. A very little. I napped for about 2 1/2 hours. Maybe the fireworks kept me up more than I think they did.

My question is the fatigue still from the Herceptin treatments or is it my heart isn’t pumping like it should. I guess I’ll find out when I get back because I’ll have another echocardiogram.

I keep thinking of things I need to pack for the trip but the major packing will take place tomorrow after I wash.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 370

4 July 2024

Happy 4th!

I made my morning walk this morning and managed 1.3 miles. The humidity is continuing to weigh everyone down. It begs the question how early do you have to get up to walk without wilting?

I had a party to go to for the 4th at Catherines and she asked me to bring an appetizer. I spent the afternoon making cucumber sandwiches. I followed a recipe that said add 1/2 cup mayonnaise. After I got everything fixed, I felt the mayo overwhelmed everything. However, they must have been edible because the party put a pretty good dent in the sandwiches.

Party at Catherines. Left to right, top to bottom: Kurt, Maureen, Dianne, Catherine, Tom and Cary. Charlie is under the table.

Catherine prepared hotdogs and hamburgers – a very 4th of July tradition. She went all out with American flags, banners, table cloth, and blue and white napkins.

It was good to get together and it’s always good to catch up with everyone’s’ summer plans. Of course, we spent a good deal of time on our ailments. We have become our grandparents.

All indications are we will have a lot of fireworks. They were certainly popping off at Catherine’s and they are starting here at the house. I feel for Tucker who has to go hide in the closet. Maybe there’s room for me!

I’m still waiting for my replacement oven glass. I keep having to reschedule the Sears appointment to install the glass that hasn’t arrived.

I did make some headway with packing but most will wait until Saturday after I wash clothes. There’ll be a lot I need to wash that I need to take on the trip.

Stay safe, don’t hold any M80’s in your hand while lit.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 369

3 July 2024

I got out of bed this morning angry. The phone normally wakes me with a chime to tell me it’s time to take my medicine but I didn’t hear it because I was deep into a nightmare.

I was back at Broward College and for a change I wasn’t trying to find my office or the classroom or remember which class I was teaching. I was in the cafeteria trying to get lunch and couldn’t get served for over 30 minutes even though it was a buffet and I was the only person in line. I stomped out of the cafeteria and got to my office and was about to answer some disturbing emails from staff and faculty and found out the administration had removed keyboards and replaced them with something like flip phones so we couldn’t readily send emails college wide. Remember how you had to send a text with those?

I then decided to head home and use my computer but got waylaid by a student who wanted in my class and the department chair was trying to force them on me. The student was a nut case and I refused. It was at this point I became awake and realized it was a dream. It didn’t improve my outlook for the morning.

I suspect the dream came about from a dinner conversation last night with Joel and Keith at Flanigans. We were talking about how politics plays a role in every profession. Some of the most spiteful words and acts I’ve encountered have been academia.

I remember one time getting into a shouting match with the department chair at the Ole Miss Biology department. I forget now what we were arguing about but I was the graduate representative to the department. Later, after we cooled down, he told me he thought botanists were a quiet sort but I had proved him wrong. We later became friends and he even brought his traveling snake show to a place I was teaching.

After getting fully awake and realizing I had nothing to be mad about, I got in the Jeep and traveled to Walgreens to pick up three prescriptions. Eighty-three dollars later, I headed to a Mobil station and filled up with diesel for another $74 dollars. I figured I won’t use the Jeep much until Sunday and I always fill up before heading to the B and B.

Tonight, Barb and I have reservations at Olive and Sea for happy hour. They have great appetizers and I’ve requested outside on their balcony that overlooks the intracoastal so we can see the mega yachts.

I’m piddling around with packing. I finally got enough prescriptions refilled to have enough for my 17 nights and 18 days. I then bundled the packets based on the B and B. It takes more time to pack the pills than it does to pack the suitcase. The other major thing is collecting chargers and cables for the iPhone, the iPad, the Apple Watch and my laptop. I feel like a traveling circus.

Joel has agreed to look out for the house while I’m gone. The major thing is to water the one indoor plant and make sure there are no leaks while I’m away. We went over everything last night and he can always call me. I’ll continue piddling with packing this afternoon.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 368

2 July 2024

Feeling good! I met Chris and Tucker this morning on the walk and followed along with them for 0.9 miles. I asked them to defer movie night from Wednesday to Friday due to a conflict and they agreed. Tucker a little miffed but OK with it.

On the walk, I passed by the night blooming Cereus again.

Here is yesterday’s photo.

Here’s today’s photo.

As you can see, all the flowers are closed up. Since it only blooms one night, the blooms are said to be ephemeral. Hopefully those bees did their job!

I got two medical test results back today. The first was the MRI. In essence, I’ve torn two ligaments (talofibular and calcaneofibular) , torn my peroneus sheath, strained the flexor hallucis longus and the Achilles tendon and have subcutaneous edema (swelling).

Image from Physio-Pedia
Image from Wikipedia. Flexor Hallucis Longus.

In short, my ankle is a mess. I’ll have a follow up with Dr. Mills sometime in the future to determine my treatment.

The second test that came back was the bone density test. The T score was -1.7. Anything between -1 and -2 is considered to be osteopenia which may lead to osteoporosis. There was no Z score that I could discern. The suggestion was active therapy since there was a fragility fracture or unusual risk factors. I predict another drug in my regimen.

I felt good enough to do some yoga stretches this morning. I also worked on my balance with heel-to-toe walking. Shannon wants me to practice that as often as I can to increase my balance. Right now, I have to hold on to something to do the heel-to-toe exercise.

Checking the weather on my trip, Camden, SC is mid 90’s for highs and mid 70’s for lows. Banner Elk, NC is high 70’s for highs and low 60’s for lows. Hawley, PA is mid 80’s for highs and high 60’s for lows. Saint Michaels, MD is highs in the high 80’s and lows in the high 70’s. Summer has arrived except in the mountains. Since I’m not camping, I’m not worried about the rain.

Today is get the suitcase out and start packing. I’ll take my day pack, walking stick, etc. and try to do some short hikes to test my mettle. Not to worry. I’ll have my satellite device to send an SOS if I get in trouble.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 367

1 July 2024

I saw flashes of light again this morning but it was actual lightning and not my eye condition. You could hear the storm getting closer and then the rains came. I can always tell when it is raining while I’m in bed because the heliconias next to my bedroom window seem to gather the raindrops and then begin a constant drip, drip, drip against the Bahama shutters. It’s a little like rain on a tin roof – more soothing than annoying.

I have been in some rainstorms that the tin roof effect is annoying. My grandparents on my Dad’s side had a house with a tin roof and if it was really coming down, you couldn’t hear any conversations going on in the house. Of course, the word tin these days probably means aluminum. That was not the case at my grandparents. It was composed mostly of the element tin. The roof alone on that old house is probably worth a fortune.

It was still raining when I finally got out of bed around 8. There will be no walk today. It looks like we are in for a few wet days. I’m in for a few sluggish days. I’ll try to do some exercises in the house to keep my hand in and to try to build my stamina for the trip.

What started out as a rainy day turned into a very sunny one, just in time for thunderheads to start appearing from the west. We’ll probably get another heavenly dew this evening.

I was in plenty of time for my MRI at Holy Cross. They were running a little behind and I was taken back around 1:30 for a 1 pm appointment. All they were to do was an MRI on my left foot to see about the tendons and ligaments. That simple MRI where only my foot went into the machine seemed to last forever. I got out of there around 2:30.

I stopped at J Marks for something to eat. I hadn’t eaten lunch and I wanted something sit down instead of fast food. Mike was my waiter and he was very good at his job which earned him a good tip. I had the walnut shrimp in Thai sauce. Later I had Key lime pie and coffee. It was nice to (1) not have to cook and (2) not rush through a meal. Prices for food have really gone up and I suspect it’s because restaurants are paying more for food and for staff. My little meal was $32.58 without tip and I left him a tip of $8. The food was good and I don’t mind paying for good food and good service.

Since my “lunch” was so late, I’ll probably punt on dinner and maybe eat some fruit before bed.

Tomorrow is dinner with Joel and Keith, Wednesday is dinner with Barbara and Thursday is July 4th at Catherine’s. Friday is a Sears repairman and Sunday is my trip.

Stay tuned!